Explorer Division Column DEG

In her final column, Rebecca Dodge, reminds the association to share their knowledge about environmental geosciences.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Explorer Article

AAPG’s three Divisions have announced the results of their officer elections. The respective executive committees will be seated on July 1.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Explorer Emphasis Article

One of the keys to easing future energy problems is overcoming long-held beliefs about alternative forms of energy.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Explorer Article

A remediation project at the Fort Peck Indian Reservation in Montana shows how multi-agency cooperation and dedication leads to success.          

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Explorer Article

Building the bridge, one mind at a time: AAPG President Scott Tinker offers a look at where the industry is going – and what we need to do to get there.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Explorer Geophysical Corner

Sequestration of CO2 in sealed brine reservoirs is an important issue in industrialized countries that are concerned about the impact of excessive atmospheric CO2 on the environment.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Explorer Division Column EMD

AAPG’S Energy Minerals Division (EMD) will respond to heightened awareness of global energy issues by offering an extensive and diverse selection of sessions, short courses, field trips and forums at the upcoming 2009 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, set for June 7-10 in Denver.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Explorer Director’s Corner

I heard a comedian say, “Adults are always asking kids what they want to be when they grow up – ’cause they’re looking for ideas.”

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Delegates Voice Division Article

The division of Environmental Geosciences (DEG) was established in 1992, when “the House of Delegates of the Association indicated support for the concept that basic environmental issues be addressed from a geological point of view, thereby transferring the profession’s understanding of geological, geochemical, geophysical, and hydrogeological principles and methodologies to the solutions of environmental problems.”

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Explorer Policy Watch

April 15 is the day of financial reckoning for most U.S. taxpayers. That is the day when many of us rush to the post office at the stroke of midnight to send our tax forms to the IRS, typically accompanied by a check for taxes owed (those getting a refund have reason to file much earlier).

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

Hot Items

Explorer Article

A new type of buoyancy model can be used to understand the source of residual oil zones, both thick and thin, to help determine the likelihood that economically viable recoverable oil resides in transition zones of imbibition reservoirs. Application of a buoyancy and breech model will fill a void in reservoir characterization. It will help distinguish between TZs and ROZs, the first of which allows application of primary and secondary (waterflooding) oil recovery methods and the second of which requires more difficult CO2-enhanced oil recovery projects.

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American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Explorer Article

It isn’t news to anyone that prediction is difficult, especially when it’s the future (as a great man once said). Uncertainty and unpredictability are just a part of the job of tracking and predicting the future supply and demand of energy. That being the case, when energy analysts say that the current level of uncertainty is particularly high, it might be easy to dismiss it as a “dog bites man” story. It isn’t.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Explorer Historical Highlights

The Casablanca oil field, discovered in 1975 and located on the Mediterranean shelf edge, has been greatly significant in the world’s offshore oil industry activity, besides being by far the biggest oil field in Spain.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Explorer Director’s Corner

Perhaps you did a double take pulling the April issue of EXPLORER from the mailbox. What is this? If you joined AAPG in the last 40 years, you’ve only known EXPLORER in its long-standing tabloid format. It worked well for many years as our advertisers – particularly seismic companies – loved the large format and the ability to display their data on a sweeping canvas. For readers, it was a little more awkward.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Explorer Geophysical Corner

Advancements in processing and imaging techniques have continued over the last several decades, which have gradually improved the quality of the processed surface seismic data. When the quality of the existing seismic data is not adequate to perform an interpretation task reasonably, then the interpreter looks for other options. Is it feasible to acquire a new survey? In the absence of an improved survey, will reprocessing of seismic data be a good option?

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American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

Headquarters Contacts

Susan Nash
Susan Nash Director, Innovation and Emerging Science and Technology, AAPG +1 405 314 7730