Explorer Article

If recent events in the oil and gas sector, especially as it relates to the fallout and contraction from COVID-19, illustrate anything, it is the need for companies to create resilient businesses and business models. “That means having a business plan that anticipates and can adapt to changing conditions due to evolving environment, societal, and governmental pressures.” That’s Joseph R. Davis, independent direct at BKV Corp, an investment E&P firm. “You can’t separate ESG from sustainability,” he said, “for ESG is how business addresses sustainability.”

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American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Explorer Article

Exact predictions of the future have always been close to impossible. For the oil industry today, they might be even harder than that. Some oil companies are taking a wait- and-watch approach to planning, as multiple unknowns face the industry in a period of extreme uncertainty. Trying to predict a precise outlook right now isn’t just foolish, said Mark Finley. It could be dangerous.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Explorer Division Column DEG

The DEG leadership unanimously endorsed EnergySource Minerals in San Diego to receive a DEG Corporate Award for their efforts to harness for lithium extraction the brine flow supplying the John L. Featherstone geothermal power plant in the Salton Sea region. EnergySource Chief Operating Officer Derek Benson shared with us that a proprietary process called “Integrated Lithium Adsorption Desorption,” or “ILiAD,” was demonstrated to be the key that unlocks Salton Sea lithium development. They have succeeded in producing battery-grade lithium carbonate and lithium hydroxide utilizing the brine flow as it exits the power generation.

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American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Learn! Blog

CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) and CCUS (Carbon Capture Use and Storage) are playing an increasingly important role in reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Geologists are contributing in several vital ways. Welcome to an interview with Mike Raines, who talks to us today about his experience with carbon capture, use, and storage, and also his view of recent trends and opportunities.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Explorer Article

In July 2019, when the current AAPG Executive Committee took office, they inherited one piece of outstanding business: review the AAPG Climate Statement that had been approved by the previous EC, but also tabled for approval by the incoming EC. Over the last seven months, and long before the two black swan events that are wreaking havoc on our industry and our Association, the EC engaged many of the Association’s stakeholders, including the divisions, the Advisory Council, the Corporate Advisory Board and, by way of a survey, our members.

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American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Explorer Article

The goal of the Environmental Geosciences Journal is to leverage the profession’s understanding of geological, geochemical, geophysical and hydrogeological principles and methodologies to assist in the quest for solutions to environmental problems and to bring you the latest research in these areas. You can help the DEG reach the broader stakeholder community by submitting your manuscripts to the Environmental Geosciences Journal.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Explorer President’s Column

We have been through a month of lockdown due to the coronavirus, and in that time, we have seen oil prices go into negative numbers. This is paper barrels! The commodity market has a place in our business and it’s helpful to understand the history and how the commodity market has changed our industry.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Explorer Emphasis Article

With oil reaching historic lows, massive layoffs, a growing stigma against fossil fuels, and new fields of science with a futuristic feel, it is understandable why studying the geosciences – particularly for careers in petroleum – might strike a student as a bad idea. Most would agree the oil and gas industry has a major public relations crisis on its hands. To remain relevant, it must demonstrate the growing need for geoscientists in forward-thinking positions where job security is all but a given.

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American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Explorer Article

“Normally one would talk about an event like this in terms of recent discoveries and trends.” That’s Neil Hodgson, AAPG Europe president, talking about what happened – more to the point, what didn’t happen – at the recent APPEX Prospect and Property Expo in London. He has good reason for the non- announcement: recent discoveries and trends in the industry are, he believes, an ongoing occurrence for explorationists – it’s part of their DNA. What is needed right now is a re-focus – a rebirth. Listening to Hodgson, there is a sense that while he sees the clouds on the energy horizon – especially in Europe, he is more excited about the sun peeking through them.

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American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Explorer Article

In September – October 2019, the AAPG conducted an email-based poll of all members concerning whether or not AAPG should have a position paper and, specifically, should AAPG have a statement on anthropogenic climate change. The AAPG Executive Committee has reviewed the results of that poll and carefully considered every comment provided by the members. We wish to share the results of that poll with the membership.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

Hot Items

Explorer Article

A new type of buoyancy model can be used to understand the source of residual oil zones, both thick and thin, to help determine the likelihood that economically viable recoverable oil resides in transition zones of imbibition reservoirs. Application of a buoyancy and breech model will fill a void in reservoir characterization. It will help distinguish between TZs and ROZs, the first of which allows application of primary and secondary (waterflooding) oil recovery methods and the second of which requires more difficult CO2-enhanced oil recovery projects.

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American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Explorer Geophysical Corner

Advancements in processing and imaging techniques have continued over the last several decades, which have gradually improved the quality of the processed surface seismic data. When the quality of the existing seismic data is not adequate to perform an interpretation task reasonably, then the interpreter looks for other options. Is it feasible to acquire a new survey? In the absence of an improved survey, will reprocessing of seismic data be a good option?

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American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Explorer Director’s Corner

Perhaps you did a double take pulling the April issue of EXPLORER from the mailbox. What is this? If you joined AAPG in the last 40 years, you’ve only known EXPLORER in its long-standing tabloid format. It worked well for many years as our advertisers – particularly seismic companies – loved the large format and the ability to display their data on a sweeping canvas. For readers, it was a little more awkward.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Explorer Historical Highlights

The Casablanca oil field, discovered in 1975 and located on the Mediterranean shelf edge, has been greatly significant in the world’s offshore oil industry activity, besides being by far the biggest oil field in Spain.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Explorer Article

It isn’t news to anyone that prediction is difficult, especially when it’s the future (as a great man once said). Uncertainty and unpredictability are just a part of the job of tracking and predicting the future supply and demand of energy. That being the case, when energy analysts say that the current level of uncertainty is particularly high, it might be easy to dismiss it as a “dog bites man” story. It isn’t.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

Headquarters Contacts

Susan Nash
Susan Nash Director, Innovation and Emerging Science and Technology, AAPG +1 405 314 7730