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: 1208 Adelaide South Australia

Student Chapters

Rocky Mountains Section

Rocky Mountains Section

    Montana State University AAPG Student Chapter
    Montana State University - Bozeman, MT, USA - Rocky Mountain Section - inactive

    NuMuTau New Mexico Tech AAPG Student Chapter
    New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology - Socorro, NM, USA - Rocky Mountain Section - suspended
    252 148

    South Dakota School of Mines and Technology AAPG Student Chapter
    South Dakota School of Mines and Technology - Rapid City, SD, USA - Rocky Mountain Section - inactive

    University of Arizona AAPG Student Chapter
    University of Arizona - Tucson, AZ, USA - Rocky Mountain Section - inactive

    University of Idaho AAPG Student Chapter
    University of Idaho - Moscow, ID, USA - Rocky Mountain Section - active
    310 206

    University of Montana AAPG Student Chapter
    University of Montana - Missoula, MT, USA - Rocky Mountain Section - suspended
    326 222

    University of Nevada, Reno AAPG Student Chapter
    University of Nevada, Reno - Reno, NV, USA - Rocky Mountain Section - inactive
    328 224

    University of North Dakota AAPG Student Chapter
    University of North Dakota - Grand Forks, ND, USA - Rocky Mountain Section - suspended

    University of Utah AAPG Student Chapter
    University of Utah - Salt Lake City, UT, USA - Rocky Mountain Section - suspended
    337 233

    University of Wyoming AAPG Student Chapter
    University of Wyoming - Laramie, WY, USA - Rocky Mountain Section - inactive
    338 234

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Adriane Hausher Programs Coordinator
Susie Nolen Programs Team Leader +1 918 560 2634