Learn! Blog

Effective communication is vital in effective geoscience teams. Without it, poor decisions are made and morale slips, and individuals start looking for different opportunities. Leaders and mentors can increase their impact on retention of talent by engaging professionals in focused conversations. The purpose is to get beyond the short-term and think into the future. Join us for an AAPG E-Symposium on May 17 at 10 am.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Learn! Blog

A new AAPG esymposium explores biostratigraphic markers in the Eagle Ford and connects them to sequence stratigraphy and TOC levels in order to determine sweet spots and to optimize drilling, production, and reservoir stimulation.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Learn! Blog

Presenting techniques for predicting pore pressure in seals will be the subject of an AAPG E-Symposium taught by Selim S. Shaker and to be held on March 15 at 2 pm CST.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Learn! Blog

It may be hard to imagine how, where, and how the petroleum industry will look twenty years from now. Technology is changing how we explore for and drill for oil and natural gas, and it is making reserves accessible that were once too difficult to produce, too deep, or otherwise problematic. Should universities offer a multi-disciplinary MS in Petroleum Geology? This post is intended as a discussion piece — a point of departure.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Learn! Blog

It is not easy to witness the departure of so many talented and dedicated geologists. Every month, we read of more losses within our ranks, and it’s very painful to see how fleeting one’s impact is, particularly when juxtaposed with the almost unfathomable unfoldings of geological time.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Learn! Blog

Shale reservoir characterization and seismically-detectable drivers for success in shale exploration will be the topics of discussion in this AAPG E-Symposium taught by David Paddock and to be held on February 9 at 2 pm CST.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Learn! Blog

In highly heterogeneous plays that are geographically extensive, it is extremely important to take a multi-pronged approach that integrates geophysical, geochemical, petrophysical, and geological techniques at every step of the way. Highly heterogeneous reservoirs such as the Eagle Ford are characterized by sweet spots – the sweet spots are often much sweeter than anyone suspected. By the same token, the barren expanses are definitely barren.

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American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Learn! Blog

IBM’s new CEO, Virginia Rommety, sees opportunity as cloud computing expands to many realms and more companies leverage the information from web-based sources to make strategic decisions. How can general information gleaned from the web provide strategic guidance to exploration and production? What are the uses of non-technical information? The answers may surprise you.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Explorer Division Column DEG

The use of injected carbon dioxide for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) is a process that was first used on Jan. 26, 1972, at the SACROC unit in Scurry County, Texas. Since then carbon dioxide-enhanced oil recovery in primary production zones has expanded across the Permian Basin in west Texas and eastern New Mexico, and to a more limited extent in Kansas, Mississippi, Wyoming, Oklahoma, Colorado, Utah, Montana, Alaska and Pennsylvania – and in other countries.

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American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Explorer Emphasis Article

Despite its many productive years, the petroleum-rich Permian Basin is still going strong.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
No Image Ron Stillwell President(2023-2024) Stillwell Energy (325) 668-9562
Jerry Hickman Jerry L. Hickman Past President (2023-2024) JLH Geophysical Services (512) 751-7527
Rene Wilksveen Rene Gabrielle Wilksveen President Elect(2023-2024) Blackbeard Operating (432) 242-0050
No Image Joseph C. Bauman Vice President (2023-2024) Hunt Oil Company (214) 684-0903
No Image Kelsey Garner Secretary (2023-2024) Armstrong Energy Corp.
No Image Stephen Denham Treasurer (2023-2024) Premian Resources (432) 695-4222
Margo Liss Margo J. Liss Advisory Counselor (2023-2024) BernAdele Enterprises, LLC (469) 964-5517
Paul Pause Paul H. Pause Council Member (2023-2024) Independent (432) 664-4938

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