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2022 Annual Report for the fiscal year July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Desktop /Portals/0/docs/bulletin/annual-reports/2022-AAPG-annual-report.pdf?ver=Ojb9Robrfs2Xm9IIitn6jg%3d%3d?pdfwidth=1000&pdfheight=1000&subpixels=true&page=1&format=jpg&width=100&height=100&mode=crop&anchor=topcenter&quality=90&encoder=freeimage&progressive=true&trim.threshold=255 AAPG 2022 Annual Report

2021 Annual Report for the fiscal year July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Desktop /Portals/0/docs/bulletin/annual-reports/2021-AAPG-annual-report.pdf?ver=2uVeuvLCJUGSnH0sJc5h6w%3d%3d?pdfwidth=1000&pdfheight=1000&subpixels=true&page=1&format=jpg&width=100&height=100&mode=crop&anchor=topcenter&quality=90&encoder=freeimage&progressive=true&trim.threshold=255 AAPG 2021 Annual Report
Reservoir characterization of unconventional reservoirs of the Cardium Formation along the western margin of the legacy Pembina oil pool in central Alberta is explored in this paper. These halo plays represent portions of conventional light oil pools that do not meet traditional petrophysical cutoffs and pay criteria.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Desktop /Portals/0/PackFlashItemImages/WebReady/bltn19165f5-hero.jpg?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true 10.1306/06032120131 Reservoir characterization of fairways in a tight light oil play of the Upper Cretaceous Cardium Formation, west Pembina, Alberta, Canada
A carrier-bed play is characterized by low-quality reservoirs with pervasive, regional hydrocarbon saturation. The Denver and Powder River Basins, Rocky Mountain region, United States, are examples of carrier-bed plays. This play requires horizontal drilling and multistage hydraulic fracture stimulation.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Desktop /Portals/0/PackFlashItemImages/WebReady/bltn19165f5-hero.jpg?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true 10.1306/04122120060 Carrier-bed plays in the Denver and Powder River Basins
Historically, the exploration for oil and gas resources has focused on identifying structural and stratigraphic trams associated with conventional accumulations. This special issue aims at introducing a new exploration paradigm through case studies in the United States and Canada.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Desktop /Portals/0/PackFlashItemImages/WebReady/bltn19165f5-hero.jpg?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true 10.1306/bltnintro021421 Carrier beds as reservoirs
A play from western Canada and one from New Mexico produce from carrier beds that serve as migration pathways for oil in conventional reservoirs. Carrier beds typically have lower porosity and permeability associated with facies changes. Lower permeability, however, is no longer a barrier to production.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Desktop /Portals/0/PackFlashItemImages/WebReady/bltn19165f5-hero.jpg?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true 10.1306/04122120043 Carrier bed plays associated with conventional petroleum accumulations
With the development of unconventional play opportunities, the Middle Member of the Bakken Formation, Williston Basin, is of renewed interest. Geochemical techniques are used to calculate mobile oil saturation to fully define this member as the key reservoir of the Bakken petroleum system.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Desktop /Portals/0/PackFlashItemImages/WebReady/bltn19165f5-hero.jpg?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true 10.1306/04122120093 A review of the Bakken petroleum systems in the United States and Canada: Recognizing the importance of the Middle Member play
The offshore Mancos play is interpreted as a carrier bed play within the Mancos total petroleum system. Oils generated in downdip mature source rocks migrated updip through the carrier bed sandstones of the offshore play and into conventional reservoirs.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Desktop /Portals/0/PackFlashItemImages/WebReady/bltn19165f5-hero.jpg?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true 10.1306/01152120038 The offshore Mancos play in the San Juan Basin as a component of the Mancos total petroleum system
This study attempted to define the difference in oil saturation index of different lithofacies within meter-scale cycles, characterize oil indicators of different lithofacies, and evaluate the effect of meter-scale cycles on oil storage capacity and oil saturation in the Wolfcamp A.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Desktop /Portals/0/PackFlashItemImages/WebReady/bltn19165f5-hero.jpg?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true 10.1306/01152120065 Meter-scale lithofacies cycle and controls on variations in oil saturation, Wolfcamp A, Delaware and Midland Basins
Unconventional hybrid systems such as the Montney hybrid play represent a continuum between shale plays and conventional reservoirs, and they share common characteristics with both. The authors integrate publicly available data to illustrate regional and local controls on petroleum distribution.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Desktop /Portals/0/PackFlashItemImages/WebReady/bltn19165f5-hero.jpg?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true 10.1306/12222020088 Petroleum distribution in the Montney hybrid play: Source, carrier bed, and structural controls
Recently Added in Interpretation

Recently Added in Environmental Geosciences
Urbanization modifies the natural water cycle. In this study, a weighted-rating multicriteria analysis was adopted to quantify the runoff index and to assess the impact of urbanization on the water cycle.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Desktop /Portals/0/images/_meta/meta_DEG_200x200.png?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true&format=jpg 10.1306/eg.01241817015 Quantitative assessment of the runoff index in an urbanized watershed
To better understand controls on the origin and evolution of brackish groundwater, the hydrogeochemistry of brackish groundwaters was studied within the Triassic Dockum Group across the Midland Basin in Texas. The suitability of Dockum Aquifer water for use in hydraulic fracturing fluid was examined because the area overlies the largest and most productive tight oil province in the United States.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Desktop /Portals/0/images/_meta/meta_DEG_200x200.png?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true&format=jpg 10.1306/eg.01241817017 Hydrogeochemical controls on brackish groundwater and its suitability for use in hydraulic fracturing: The Dockum Aquifer, Midland Basin, Texas
Integrated petrographic and chemostratigraphic studies have enabled the identification of sequence boundaries, sequence stratigraphy, and their system tracts for the Lower Cretaceous strata of the Kurnub Group (Jordan); the latter is underlain by the Jurassic (Callovian) strata and overlain by the Cretaceous (Cenomanian).
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Desktop /Portals/0/images/_meta/meta_DEG_200x200.png?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true&format=jpg 10.1306/eg.01241817012 Facies associations and chemostratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous Kurnub Group and their boundaries, King Talal Dam section, northwestern Jordan
Groundwater is water located beneath the ground surface in soil pore spaces and in the fractures of lithologic formations. The advent of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) has opened up new vistas in groundwater prospect evaluation, exploration, and management.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Desktop /Portals/0/images/_meta/meta_DEG_200x200.png?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true&format=jpg 10.1306/eg.01241817010 Groundwater resources evaluation using geospatial technology
A dramatic increase in unconventional drilling that utilizes hydraulic fracturing to extract oil/gas over the past decade has led to concern over handling and management of produced/flowback water (PFW; hydraulic-fracturing wastewater) because the potential exists for its accidental release into the environment.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Desktop /Portals/0/images/_meta/meta_DEG_200x200.png?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true&format=jpg 10.1306/eg.06191716501 Strontium isotopes as a potential fingerprint of total dissolved solids associated with hydraulic-fracturing activities in the Barnett Shale, Texas
To achieve reclamation certification, oil-and-gas operations in Alberta, Canada are required to monitor the revegetation of idle well pads that no longer support operations. Currently, monitoring is completed by oblique, helicopter-collected photography and on-the-ground field surveys.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Desktop /Portals/0/images/_meta/meta_DEG_200x200.png?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true&format=jpg 10.1306/eg.07071717001 High-resolution satellite imagery applied to monitoring revegetation of oil-sands-exploration well pads
Development of geothermal energy in sedimentary basins is an attractive option given the availability of data from the oil and gas industry. Previous geothermal studies in sedimentary basins have focused on temperatures and petrophysical properties.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Desktop /Portals/0/images/_meta/meta_DEG_200x200.png?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true&format=jpg 10.1306/eg.0206171600917003 Geothermal energy potential of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: Clues from coproduced and injected water
The stress regime in the Illinois Basin was investigated to assess how the rock column might respond to the injection of fluids, including coproduced formation brines and supercritical CO2.This response is a concern because injection practices could increase pore fluid pressure and potentially induce seismicity.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Desktop /Portals/0/images/_meta/meta_DEG_200x200.png?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true&format=jpg 10.1306/eg.0206171600817004 State of stress in the Illinois Basin and constraints on inducing failure
This study demonstrates the application of aeromagnetic surveys for locating late 1800s-era oil and gas wells in Hillman State Park. The study area in southwestern Pennsylvania offered several unique challenges to locating legacy wells.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Desktop /Portals/0/images/_meta/meta_DEG_200x200.png?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true&format=jpg 10.1306/eg.1221161600417009 Methods and challenges to locating legacy wells in western Pennsylvania: Case study at Hillman State Park
Surface and airborne gas monitoring programs are becoming an important part of environmental protection in areas favorable for subsurface storage of carbon dioxide. Understanding structural architecture and its effects on the flux of fluids, specifically CO2 and CH4, in the shallow subsurface and atmosphere is helping with designing and implementing next-generation monitoring technologies, including unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
Show more American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Desktop /Portals/0/images/_meta/meta_DEG_200x200.png?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true&format=jpg 10.1306/eg.1221161600317002 Structural architecture of the Farnsworth oil unit: Implications for geologic storage of carbon dioxide


20 Oct

MCS 6th Biennial Field Conference Expires in 1 day

United States - ...Mid-Continent Section - ......Kansas
24 Oct

AAPG/EAGE/SEG Digitalization in Geosciences Symposium Expires in 5 days

Middle East Region - ...Saudi Arabia
06 Nov

4D Forum – Insight to Actions: A global forum on creating value, reducing cycle time and optimizing production and injection in a digital world Expires in 18 days

United States - ...Mid-Continent Section - ......Texas | United States - ...Gulf Coast Section - ......Texas | United States - ...Southwest Section - ......Texas
07 Nov

Natural Hydrogen: An Overlooked Potential Energy Resource Expires in 19 days

12 Nov

Reconstructing a Late Pleistocene East African Paleolandscape using the Footprints of our Ancestors Expires in 24 days


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