New year, new officers … happy new year!

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

I love new stuff. Hope you do, too. New beginnings. New clothes. New people. New places. New software. New upgrades.

We had a great year with Scott Tinker serving as AAPG’s President. Over this coming weekend he will pass the reins of leadership to John Lorenz.

It’s always interesting as a member of AAPG staff to see what will be different with each new president’s leadership. What is their focus? What will we see emphasized?

In fact, I was the kind of person who changed jobs about every three years. Not for pay but because I was bored. All that changed when I joined the staff of AAPG. It’s very much like having a new job every year because, as many of us know, the leadership of any place you work, organization you belong to, or company that serves you sets the personality, tone and attitude of that body.

It brings a challenge to my job that keeps it fresh and exciting.

Scott Tinker, for example, brought building bridges and empowerment. He encouraged the young geologist to dream and not wait on others to deliver their ideas. He encouraged the seasoned geologist to reach out and bring along those who were fresh and starting out. He opened the minds of the biased to the wonderful benefits of “big oil” and he encouraged everyone to see how they related to their world with a fresh look around them.

Scott changed my job by empowering me to do it better. His influence led to the addition of Jamie Edford, Web Editorial Assistant. Jamie brought fresh eyes, blogging experience and social-media along with why it matters. You wouldn’t be reading this blog right now if that had not happened. In fact, the increased usability to, use of social-networking tools, blogs and the public outreach Web site, all are in place because of her.

So, what will John Lorenz bring? I’m pretty sure his focus will be on the science and the geoscientist’s career. John worked the majority of his career for Sandia National Laboratories and, as a volunteer for AAPG, he presented papers, served on various committees and more. During his service as Elected-Editor (2001-04) John introduced the “Rapid Review” system for electronically submitting papers to the Bulletin.

I reviewed John’s bio and his answer to why he was willing to serve in this office. He pointed out how AAPG had helped him in his career by providing a great place to meet others in his field and to learn from their experiences and to even share his own. Additionally, he pointed out the courses given, papers presented and publications provided through AAPG resulted in opportunities to contribute to the science.

It’s going to be interesting to see what this high-flying leader will bring to AAPG. How will electronic delivery be enhanced and elevated? How will publications, career enhancement tools and other educational opportunities grow?

High-flying? Oh. He’s a pilot.

I wonder if we can get him to use a Twitter account. Seems like it could fit!

Thanks, Scott, for a great year! Welcome, John. I wish you a happy new (fiscal) year!

Good browsing!

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