The Latest Buzz Word (Phrase?)

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

“Social media.”

I seem to hear about it constantly. I have a Twitter account. I have a Facebook account. I have a LinkedIn account. I follow a YouTube channel (or two). I subscribe to a few Podcasts.

Last night I caught up on Conan O’Brien’s last two shows as he leaves NBC. (Wow!) I did that through I’m considering getting Netflix because I like movies and it’s cheaper than Pay-Per-View.

So, how about you? What are the many (or only) social media resource(s) you tap into?

Twitter fascinates me because, as a woman, I find it very challenging to write 140 characters or less. I like a challenge.

Facebook fascinates me because so many people seem to think that if they put it there they have informed everybody that needs to know. Now, I’m the sort of person who forgets all about Facebook until someone else mentions it. So, if you want me to know you better use the telephone. Wait! Correct that to cell phone. I did get rid of the land line.

I thought I’d find Twitter more annoying than Facebook but it’s the other way around. At least with Twitter it’s so enormous and constant I don’t feel guilty about missing something someone “tweeted”.

Do you blog? Do you Twitter? Do you use Facebook? If so, please write a comment below and tell me about it. I’d be interested not only in if you utilize any of the social media tools but how you use them. Research? Entertainment? Establishing a following for developing your own business?

In order to be sure we are talking about the same thing I lump the following tools into social media: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Hulu, Podcasts, Blogs, LinkedIn, Google Communities … to name a few.

Reasons for use could be entertainment, looking cool with the grandkids or even your own kids (especially the college crowd), research, independent business development, cheap advertising, curiosity, and more.

Good browsing!

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