Editors: Michelle Pittenger and Yousra Salih

AAPG WN Newsletter - 2022: Quarter 2, Issue 2

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Membership Update

Nicole Wagoner presented an update on the AAPGWN membership at the Q2 All-Members Meeting on July 28. Membership has dramatically increased over the past year from about 100 in July 2021 to over 900 members today, as shown in the graph below. Of these 900, almost one quarter are men. While just over 50% of the members are identified as white, about 20% are Hispanic, 10% are black, and nearly 8% Asian. While the vast majority of members are US-based, nearly 70 Women's Network members live in other countries around the world.

It's great to see our membership continuing to grow and we are very happy to have so many men advocating for women geologists!

Upcoming Events
IMAGE Events

(all events are in-person)

  • August 28, 8am-5pm CDT, Short Course "Reservoir Engineering for Geoscientists"
  • August 29, 1:20-3pm CDT, Panel "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the Geoscience Workforce of Tomorrow"
  • August 30, 11:30am-1pm CDT, Luncheon "Aging US Shale Wells: Years of Remaining Opportunities or Growing Asset Retirement Obligations?"Join us!
  • August 31, 7-9am CDT, Women's Networking Breakfast (also sponsored by Applied Petroleum Technology, AWG LoneStar, SEG WN, and GHD). A great networking opportunity!
  • D&I Committee is partnering with SEG, AWG, SEG Women's Network & AAPGWN to collect interviews of attendees sharing their experiences working in STEM.Sign up!
  • Check out our AAPGWN booth in the exhibit hall and Sign Up!

September 27, 7pm CDT (in-person AND virtual), Book Discussion on "Gaslighted" with author Christine L. Williams (collaboration with AWG Lonestar Chapter). Learn more!

Recent Events
  • March, 2022, Roundtable Discussions Celebrating Women’s History Month.
  • April, 2022, All In: Decarbonization Solutions for the Energy Transition. Watch a video of the Panel Discussion here.
  • April, 2022, ICE: Female Leaders in Industry Panel.
  • May, 2022, Importance of Field Work. Watch the Webinar video here.
  • June, 2022, Follow-up roundtable discussions.
  • July 26, Leaders of the Future. See the Discussion video here.
  • July 27, 12pm CDT (virtual), "AAPG Awards and Nominations: The Path to Success." See the video here.
  • August 12, 12pm CDT (virtual), "The Geology of Coffee: An educational tasting event for coffee enthusiasts!" Watch the event video here.
Ongoing Initiatives

The list of candidates for Co-Chair had been completed, and the voting link has already been distributed. Following that, they will work on the nomination of the secretary and treasurer, and a vote will take place in the following few weeks.
During All-Member Quarterly meeting, Gretchen Gillis proposed that AAPGWN consider another method for selecting officers rather than by an election, citing the benefits of having everyone interested get the opportunity to participate. Susan Howes mentioned the idea of using a nominating committee. This topic will be discussed further in future meetings.
The mentoring program contracts have been renewed and the next mentoring program will kick off during the IMAGE 2022.

AAPG Needs Your Help

AAPG leaders have been brainstorming what new activities AAPG can take on that can provide significant benefit to AAPG's financial strength. Currently, AAPG wants to hear from members on what they are interested in and how AAPG can support them and "focus on the future." Members are also encouraged to approach the companies they work for to request financial support for AAPG.

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