AAPG Bulletin

AAPG Bulletin Like You’ve Never Seen Before

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
I am excited to let you know we have moved the AAPG Member Access to the online AAPG Bulletin to a new platform. Beginning 17 May 2021, your Member Access to the Bulletin will switch to the new platform, hosted by GeoScienceWorld.

You will still be able to read and download all Bulletin articles, from 1917 to the current issue, and with this new hosting platform comes some powerful expanded viewing and search features for our Members:

  • Added to the traditional PDF view of articles is a split screen display, which will allow you to scroll through the Bulletin article and the article figures simultaneously
    • Full text will be on the left side of the screen, and large, browsable images on the right
    • Text and figures can be scrolled independently
    • Options are in place to download images for PowerPoint presentations once copyright permission for use has been granted
    • A tab structure is set into the text allowing quick navigation through different sections of the article
  • Faceted searching capabilities will allow you to search not only on title, author, year published, and full text, but also
    • By article type, such as Geologic Note, Discussion/Reply, and so on
    • By GeoRef subject and categories, such as geologic age, stratigraphy, sedimentary structure, etc.
    • By Eon, Era, Period, Epoch, and Age
  • Integrated search features with map view search results, which will allow you to limit your search by geographic location
  • Searches will also result in abstract views of figures, which will display in thumbnail view so you can scan for relevant content before you open up individual articles

In the coming weeks, we will be sending out additional communications that will contain a link to a video that will show you how to utilize some of these state-of-the-art features, as well as how to log in to take advantage of your new Member Access platform.

If you have a Single Member Subscription to the full AAPG/Datapages Archives, you will still access all of the publications at Datapages Archives.

If your company or employer has a Corporate Subscription to the full AAPG/Datapages Archives, you will still access all of the publications at Datapages Archives.

If you have any questions about this new Member Access platform to the AAPG Bulletin, print-on-demand orders of the Bulletin, or AAPG/Datapages, please contact AAPG’s Customer Experiences Group at 800-364-2274 or +1-918-584-2555.

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