Education Calendar Growing

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

Quietly the Education Calendar has been expanding over the last several days.

I noticed there is a new field seminar that will be happening April 16 and 17.

I guess sometimes there aren’t safety in numbers. In fact, numbers may at times create unsafe situations!

AAPG is offering a new field seminar entitled Field Safety for Field Trip Leaders that, frankly, seems like it would be a very important course to take advantage of.

It’s scalable. It’s timely (just in time for the AAPG annual meeting in Denver). It’s designed specifically for field trip leaders.

The focus is on anticipating what could happen during a field trip and having a plan to reduce the risk.

Added GeoTour date!

Looks like the Grand Canyon field seminar has added another date for an option to sign up. This is always a terrific vacation opportunity and I’m glad to see it on the roster twice now!

This is a very popular trip for many geologists because it is something “The Fam” can go on with them. The new date is June 19-26. Hey! That’s just after the Denver meeting.

I just love dreaming about it! Maybe some day …

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See Also: Explorer Article

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