Top 10 Student/YP events at Annual meeting in Denver.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

Dear Students attending the AAPG Annual meeting in Denver:

I am often told by students attending an AAPG Annual meeting that there is just so much stuff going on that they are sure they are missing stuff, so what should they make sure they do not miss. I answer this question in some form or another multiple times during a meeting, and sometimes many of the events have already passed, so I thought I would use this forum to share my thoughts with you before you come to the meeting.

So without further delay.

The Top 10 Student events at the AAPG Annual meeting for Students.

1. IBA short course/Preparation class. 

When: Saturday, June 6th from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Where: Colorado Convention Center rooms 708/710/712.

What: In the course, we will explore concepts, methods, and tools of petroleum geoscience, which we use on a day-to-day basis to make exploration decisions in the energy industry. We will focus on how we make decisions with limited information, identify critical information in light of multiple scenarios, evaluate risk vs. uncertainty, maximize the value we get from integrated teams, etc. To investigate these topics, we will generate play element maps, play summary charts, cross-sections, and play summary maps. The course will combine lecture materials and hands-on exercises, with an emphasis on the exercises. The course will focus on an applied problem in basin exploration. Students will make play maps, evaluate play risk, bid on prospective acreage. Throughout the course we will stress the importance of integration across disciplines and scales, focusing on the interaction and expression of fundamental basin formation, fill, and evolution processes from regional to basin and play to prospect scale. These discussions will include consideration of plate motion, paleogeography, stratigraphy, structural deformation, sedimentology, rock properties, subsurface imaging, burial history, and fluid migration.

Most Likely Agenda
8:00–9:30 Lecture and Discussion Basin Genetics and Play Elements
9:30–11:00 Exercise Families of Basins
11:00–12:00 Exercise Play Element Mapping
12:00–12:45 Break for Lunch  
12:45–3:00 Exercise Play Element mapping Continued
3:00–4:00 Exercise Play Risking
4:00–5:00 Exercise Block Bids and Report Outs

How to sign up: To sign up for this exciting course taught by Bob Stewart of ExxonMobil which prepares students and professors that may like to participate in the IBA competition for 2010, please email Mike at . Respond ASAP as space is limited to 40 participants. If you are coming in early and are interested in the IBA program make sure and attend this event.

2. Opening Session and Awards Ceremony: Sunday June 7th from 4:00-5:00 p.m. at the Four Seasons Ballroom. For those of you participating in the Student/Professional Meet N-Greet below, this is where you will initially meet up. Don' miss this brief yet powerful ceremony as the best of AAPG are honored.

3. Student /Professional Meet N-Greet: If you did not see the below message in your email inbox I thought I should share it with you now.

We've added a meeting time and are raffling off 2 IPOD shuffles and other great prizes!

The Young Professionals Committee is sponsoring a Student – Professional Meet-N-Greet on Sunday, June 7 at the Annual Convention in Denver, CO. This is your opportunity to make some contacts with industry geologists & geophysicists. Especially in this economic climate, networking is key, and we're making it easy!

We've added a second meeting time and place to accommodate those of you who will not be getting into town until later. Additionally, sign up online, your name will be entered into a raffle for an IPOD shuffle and several other great prizes! Deadline to sign up has been extended to May 29. There are two meeting times available:

Sunday, June 7, 3:30: Meet at the Four Seasons Ballroom for the Opening Session


Sunday, June 7, 5:00 - 7:00: meet at the Student & Young Professional Hub inside the Exhibition Hall (same place as the Icebreaker)

Please click HERE to sign up, and be sure to indicate whether you will be there during the Opening Session or the Icebreaker (or both). We will have one raffle at 6:00 pm. and a second raffle at 7:00 pm. Both raffles will take place at the Student – Young Professional Hub inside the Exhibition Hall during the Icebreaker. You must be present to win!

Questions? Feel free to shoot an email to:
Ben Kessel:
Natasha Rigg:

We look forward to seeing you in Denver,
Ben Kessel (YP Committee – Meet-N-Greet Organizer)
Natasha Rigg (YP Committee – Chair)

4. AAPG Student and Young Professional Hub: Sunday June 7th- Wednesday June 10th, during exhibition hours in the exhibition hall connected to the AAPG Center.

At this kiosk within the AAPG Center you can learn of AAPG student member benefits. Learn of opportunities AAPG offers students including Sponsored Dues, Student Chapter Program, Visiting Geoscientist Program, Imperial Barrel Award and Student Expo events.

Also featured are benefits and programs targeted at AAPG's young professional members. See how AAPG can benefit you after you leave the student ranks and transition into a professional member of AAPG. Become active and engaged in the committees of AAPG as well as the AAPG Divisions.

Meet and network with established geoscientists and work on making life long connections within AAPG.

5. Student and Faculty Lounge: During exhibition hours at the exhibition hall connected to the AAPG Center.

Be sure to stop by this lounge area sponsored by Chevron. Complimentary refreshments are provided each day during exhibition hours. The lounge offers students and faculty their own place to meet with fellow students, faculty and industry professionals to develop career contacts and lifelong friendships. While you are there be sure to thank Chevron for all of their financial support including the sponsorship of student member dues.

6. AAPG Bookstore and General Store:

Visit the AAPG Bookstore and take advantage of member pricing on books, and digital publications. You can also pay your member dues and pick up your 2009 Annual Abstracts CD-ROM here. While browsing the books be sure to pick up your AAPG apparel and gifts. Sales proceeds of General Store items benefit the AAPG Student Chapters working in the Store. Did your Chapter sign up? Why not? Let me know if you need additional information on this opportunity.


7. AAPG/SEG Student Expo Committee – Career Workshop: Monday June 8th from 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. in the Hyatt Regency Convention Center-Capitol Ballroom 5. Resume review from 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

This workshop will consist of a few topics of discussion to assist students and recent graduates in their quest for employment in the petroleum and environmental industries by better understanding the activities of day-to-day life in the energy/environmental industries as well as specific job search strategies and tips for finding that perfect job. This discussion will focus on how to gain employment, the outlook on current staffing needs, recruiting trends, and what companies are looking for in future employees.

From 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. a representative from Kelley Services will be available to answer questions and provide useful and practical guidelines including resumé development and interviewing tips. This workshop is sponsored by the AAPG/SEG Student Expo Committee, which organizes expos and job fairs across the country at various times of the year. Information about these can be found at

This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about careers in the industry and meet potential recruiters.

8. Career Center: Monday June 8th 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Tuesday June 9th 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Wednesday June 10th 8:30 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. Located in Room 109 of the Convention Center.

Stop by and connect to employment opportunities. Bring along your resume or job listings and the Career Center volunteers will assist you in posting it to the AAPG Career Center website for maximum industry exposure as well as the onsite bulletin boards within the room.

9. AAPG/SEPM Student Reception: Monday June 8th from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency Convention Center – Centennial Ballroom F/G/H.

Make sure you don't miss this one!

All students and faculty attending the convention are invited to the AAPG/SEPM Student Reception.

Enjoy hors d'oeuvres and refreshments while mingling with your peers. A talk given by an ExxonMobil representative is scheduled before the top three poster authors from the Shell-sponsored "Selected Academic Research Topics: Student Presentations" receive awards. The Jim Hartman Service to Students Award will be conveyed upon an AAPG member who has contributed exceptional service to AAPG's Student Programs. The awards program will close with the presentation of the Schlumberger-sponsored Outstanding Student Chapter Awards along with the Imperial Barrel Award prizes. Be sure to visit and network with all of the VIP's and give a personal thank you to all of the company representatives that sponsor and make many of AAPG's student programs possible.

10. AAPG Student Chapter field Trip No. 14

This trip always popular trip is Sold Out, and I am told there is a huge waiting list, for more information on this trip please see:

This is more of a reminder that if you are signed up for this trip make sure you go, or let us know if you are unable to go, as there are many that want your space. Also to tell students make sure you sign up early for the Student Chapter field trip next year in New Orleans as I am sure it will sell out quickly.

These events are by no means all of the great events, programs or opportunities to take advantage of while in Denver but this list should give you a good head start. If you have questions, comments or want to sign up for the IBA prep course be sure to email me.



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