Interview with Galen Dillewyn - NuTech

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
What is your name, affiliation, and current role?

Galen Dillewyn
Galen Dillewyn
Galen Dillewyn, NUTECH, VP of Business Development

What is your background?

I spent ~10 years with Schlumberger Wireline and have been at NUTECH for ~14 years

How did you become interested in innovation and new directions in the industry?

I have always been curious that such an innovative and driven workforce would settle for such mundane tools to accomplish phenomenal tasks and not even be phased by it. Quite often it is the “do it at all costs” that drives the people but often it is the lack of time to sit and think critically about the task that leads them to use only existing tools.

Please describe a new technology or process that you are involved with.

NUTECH has created the first of its kind geological platform, IRAD, to help busy oilfield professionals get geological and reservoir properties at their fingertips. By integrating production with well logs and core data in a 3D manner, data can be pulled out of most basins. Need to know volumetrics by bench? What wells are landed in what benches? Moveable water vs moveable hydrocarbon. All on your computer or tablet.

Who will benefit from it?

Geologists, Land, Engineers, Financial Analysts, and A&D Teams.

Where will the technology or process be in a year? three years? five years?

In a year live integration of proprietary petrophysics with the larger models will be complete. In three years the ability to select a well land a lateral and complete a 3 phase EUR determination of a given completion. In 5 years the data will be incorporated into a living, evergreen earth model in which all data will be modelled live and users will benefit from the crowdsourced well data.

What makes you optimistic about the future?

The people entering our industry are looking at things with new eyes and not letting things be just because we have done them that way. The questioning and ideas and dreaming of how things can be are pushing us to new heights of production.

Please recommend a book or two that you found insightful.

The New Map by Daniel Yergen.

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