A Canadian Society of Petroleum Geoscientists (CSPG) and AAPG Joint Symposium

Oil Sands and Heavy Oil Symposium: A Local to Global Multidisciplinary Collaboration

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

A truly unique, multidisciplinary, and multifaceted opportunity to see the issues facing the development of heavy oil and the oil sands from all angles, the Oil Sands & Heavy Oil Symposium: A Local to Global Multidisciplinary Collaboration, will offer attendees a first-hand look at the global nature of oil sand resources. 

Participants will have the chance to gain a better understanding of advances in recovery processes, and what contributions resource geoscientists can make to the challenges of environmental protection and social license as well as driving prosperity and better standards of living for all through sustainable energy development.

Award winning industry leaders have been invited to present technical lectures, core & poster presentations, and panel discussions to share knowledge and insights on new and developing issues. 

Join us Oct. 14-16, 2014 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada at the Metropolitan Centre for an exceptional technical event that will help to enhance and advance your career. For more information 

Who Should Attend
Geoscientists, engineers, geophysicists, technicians, environmental scientists, policy makers and government regulators. The symposium is meant to target all disciplines and skill levels. 


  • This symposium provides attendees with a first-hand look at the global nature of oil sand resources, a better understanding  of advances in recovery processes, and what contributions resource geoscientists can make to the challenges of environmental protection and social license as well as driving prosperity and better standards of living for all through sustainable energy development.
  • Single track technical symposium with multiple formats including: technical lectures, core and poster presentations, and panel discussions
  • An all-encompassing, multidisciplinary and multifaceted symposium to see the oil sands and heavy oil development from all angles, many aspects developed in Canada, all which can be exported to the world bitumen and heavy oil resources.
  • Keynote Luncheon talks include recognized award winning industry leaders
  • Overall focus is to offer an opportunity to enhance and advance your careers further, by providing working knowledge and understanding of complex industry issues

Program Content

International Opportunity - linking our Canadian oil sands and heavy oils with other "elephants" out there.  Be like the Canadian metal mining giants: grow the technology and skill at home and grow the resource and the profits around the globe.  This Symposium is a window on those other giant deposits that can sustain our industry over the long term.

Invited Session Chairs - We've invited the leading minds in industry, academia, and government to create a schedule of talks that are truly cutting edge.  These Chairs are thought leaders and game changers in their areas of expertise and will speak and moderate the sessions to ensure maximum return on your time invested.

Invited Speakers - Not only are the Session Chairs top class,  they have reached out to their own "A-listers" and "hidden gems" as speakers and presenters to bring delegates the most important, new, and unique perspectives on these deposits.

Multi-scale and multi-disciplinary - The Symposium is covering the entire scale of the natural endowment from economically productive reserves to future prospective resources.  And going from the spatial scale of nations and sedimentary basins down to the thin-section and bacteria.  Plus there will be a very rare, simultaneous onsite viewing of core from the AER's Core Research Centre's collection to ground-truth and shared learnings over the rocks themselves.

Going Broad - The conveners recognize that the industry does not operate in a social vacuum, so we are having special sessions for delegates on the triple-bottom line: protecting economic, social, and environmental outcomes in a well regulated industry that respects the air, land, water, and public safety as well as the shared values of the public, the industry, and Canada's First Nations.

A Narrative Arch - The single-track symposium has been designed to take the delegate on a journey of thought and discussion, each session building upon the ones before it, to tell the new and emerging story of Canadian oil sands and heavy oil geology, exploitation, and conservation.  Come share the experience with your peers and leave with a fresh perspective.

Technical Program

Session #1 (day 1) – International Prospects
Session #2 (day 1) – Large Scale Deposits
Session #3 (day 2) – Medium/Small Reservoirs
Session #4 (day 2) – New Drilling and Completions, Reservoir Engineering and Production Technologies
Session #5 (day 3) – Cap Rocks & Reservoir Integrity
Session #6 (day 3) – Regulatory Issues & Sustainability


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