Niobrara Shale: Test Your Knowledge of New Developments

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

Rig in the middle of the Niobrara play in Wyomin
Rig in the middle of the Niobrara play in Wyomin
The Niobrara Shale play continues to evolve as wells are drilled and new technologies are employed. Have you kept up? Click the link below to take the quiz and test your knowledge of Niobrara Shale developments. The link will take you to an article and a quiz. Be sure to enter the name you’d like to appear on the certificate that will be available upon completion of the quiz. Also, let us know if you like our new interactive quizzes.

Would you like to know more? Sign up to access an archived copy of Dr. Steve Sonnenberg’s excellent webinar, which comes with links to articles and also review questions that you can send in for AAPG Continuing Education Units and Professional Development Hours:

The Niobrara Petroleum System, a Major Tight Resource Play in the Rocky Mountain Region

If you’re eager to learn more about techniques used in determining sweet spots in shale, as well as the effectiveness of hydraulic fracturing, please attend our Shale Plays: Integrated Approaches GTW November 12-14, Houston, TX. Click the link to learn more:

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