AAPG 2020 Annual Convention & Exhibition

Register Now for ACE 2020

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

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Register now for the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) 2020 Annual Convention and Exhibition (ACE), 7–10 June 2020, at the George R. Brown Convention Center, in Houston, Texas.

Discover What's New at ACE 2020

The ACE 2020 technical program is on track to be the most comprehensive in AAPG's history. The program will feature new topics and exciting presentation formats offering a more integrated and dynamic geoscience exchange.

15 Concurrent Technical Sessions

Traditionally the ACE technical program has included eight concurrent sessions. The integration of seven new sessions gives attendees an additional 50+ interactive presentations to supplement the program offering over 1,000 chances to explore new insights, science, and technology. [ See More ]

11 Interactive Panel Sessions

These newly integrated panel sessions will feature five-minute presentations from each speaker followed by a 20-minute moderated discussion between panelists. They will conclude with an audience participation Q&A using the AAPG Events Mobile App. [ See More ]

11 Tackle the Issue Sessions

The experts will make you think in these 15-minute presentations by change agents who have a story to tell. The sessions will not be moderated and will conclude with an interactive audience Q&A. [ See More ]

Seven Country Sessions

The Country Sessions will outline key trends, challenges, and emerging plays in specific countries which include: Angola, Argentina, Colombia, Greenland, Mozambique, Peru, and Senegal. [ See More ]

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See Also: ACE Program Paper

ACE Program Paper Exhibition Hall Integration of Elemental and Stable Isotope Chemostratigraphy to Characterize Paleoenvironmental Diachroneity in the Duvernay Formation (Mid-Frasnian), a Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Unconventional Play in the Western Canada Basin Integration of Elemental and Stable Isotope Chemostratigraphy to Characterize Paleoenvironmental Diachroneity in the Duvernay Formation (Mid-Frasnian), a Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Unconventional Play in the Western Canada Basin Desktop /Portals/0/images/ace/2015/luncheon heros/ace2015-tp1-unconventional.jpg?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true 14949

See Also: YoungPros Event

YoungPros Event Room 310 Young Professionals Meet & Greet Young Professionals Meet & Greet Desktop /Portals/0/PackFlashItemImages/WebReady/ace17-networking-activity-hero.jpg?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true 36626

See Also: Explorer Article

Explorer Article Announcing AAPG’s Honored Best for 2024 Announcing AAPG’s Honored Best for 2024 Desktop /Portals/0/PackFlashItemImages/WebReady/11-b_Leckie-Dale-20240103.jpg?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true 66839

See Also: Foundation Update

Foundation Update AAPG Foundation Newsletter - March 2024 AAPG Foundation Newsletter - March 2024 Desktop /Portals/0/PackFlashItemImages/WebReady/blog-foundation-newsletter-march-2024-hero.jpg?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true 66897
Foundation Update May 19-22, 2024 2024 Trustee Associates Meeting 2024 Trustee Associates Meeting Desktop /Portals/0/PackFlashItemImages/WebReady/blog-foundation-2024-TA-annual-meeting-hero3.jpg?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true 66592