AAPG 2020 Annual Convention & Exhibition

Top Reasons to Present at ACE 2020

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

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Submit your abstracts today for the AAPG 2020 Annual Convention and Exhibition (ACE) at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas 7–10 June. Your research, knowledge, and expertise helps our geoscience community navigate towards a successful future. 

The Technical Program Committee invites you to submit abstracts under the themes/subthemes that have direct application to the industry. In particular, abstracts that deal with the hottest, most relevant play areas, both domestic and international, are most desirable. The committee also encourages case studies that illustrate the successful implementation of new techniques and technologies. In addition, student participation is a priority — AAPG ACE is an invaluable opportunity to showcase graduate research that advances the industry. 

Reasons to Submit:
1. Share your knowledge and expertise
Use ACE as a platform to share the latest science, research, and innovations. Geoscientists from around the world are looking to you for answers and solutions to challenges facing exploration and beyond.

2. Promote the geosciences
Help guide the future of our geosciences community. As a speaker, you will be directly advocating for the development of processes, technologies, and methods that continue to advance the science of petroleum geology.

3. Build your resume
If you are looking for another reason to add to your resume, here’s your chance. Aligning yourself with AAPG’s 100+ years of credible science and history makes a great addition to your resume.

4. Expand your network
Face-to-face networking at ACE is one of the most effective ways to build strategic business relationships and establish new contacts. Take this opportunity to expand your contacts and be seen as a leader in your field.

5. Get published
Having your abstract selected means you’ll be included in an internationally established online journal for geoscientists in the AAPG Datapages Search and Discovery

6. Improve your public speaking
Not everyone enjoys giving presentations. Use this opportunity to surround yourself with peers and other industry experts to practice your public speaking skills.

[ View all Themes and Subthemes ]

Contact us today with questions or for additional information!

Terri Duncan
Technical Programs Coordinator
Phone: +1 918 560 2641 

Jan Simpson
Technical Programs Coordinator
Phone: +1 918 560 2631

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