GEO Conference & Exhibition – New Call for Abstracts Now Open!

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

Following the rescheduling of GEO and the announcement of our new conference theme: Geosciences in an Era of Transformation: A New Landscape, we are seeing a positive response from current presenters, as well as growing interest.

We’re delighted to announce a new call for abstracts to further enrich the program at GEO with content that reflects current developments in the petroleum geoscience industry.

Conference topics:

  • Reservoir Characterization
  • Advances in Seismic Acquisition and Processing
  • Advances in Seismic Interpretation
  • Advances in Borehole Geology and Geophysics
  • Advances in Multiphysics Technologies
  • Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics
  • Petrophysics
  • Petroleum Systems and Basin Modelling
  • Exploration Drilling
  • Conventional Exploration
  • Unconventional Resources
  • Rift Basin Exploration
  • Hydrocarbon Traps and Seals
  • Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
  • Integrated Case Studies
  • Geosciences for Other Applications
In addition to the 16 existing themes, a new one has been added to ensure that we offer a current, robust program in October 2021.

NEW THEME: The Role of Geosciences During a Sustainable Energy Transition


Join us in Bahrain in October 2021 for the unique opportunity to learn, make new connections, discover fresh opportunities, and find new ways of working in the wake of one of the most challenging periods in recent world history.

Submit your abstract online before 15 December 2020.

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