Meet Your Latin America Region YP Chapter Presidents

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Peru – Juan Carlos Quinto 
Juan Carlos Quinto

Juan Carlos is graduate of the Universidad Nacional de San Marcos in Lima, where he received both bachelors and engineering degrees in geology.

He has worked in the petroleum industry for almost nine years, focusing on offshore environments while working with BPZ Energy and SLB Peru and Mexico.

Juan Carlos joined served as Vice President of the AAPG UNMSM student chapter from 2002-2003. He became an active member of AAPG in 2009 and began working with the Peru YP Chapter, the Latin America Region’s first formal YP Chapter, in 2011. He was elected Chapter President in late 2013.

Argentina – Melisa Galvan 
Melisa Galvan

Melissa is a graduate of Universidad de la Plata, Argentina, where she was involved with the student chapter and participated in the Imperial Barrel Award competition. Since accepting the position of YP lead, Melisa has helped to reactivate the Universidad de la Plata Student Chapter, assisted in the activation of a new student Chapter at the University of Buenos Aires, helped to develop presentations for the AAPG Student Committee, and served as a volunteer at ICE 2013 in Cartagena. She is dedicated to promoting the benefits of AAPG to students and YPs throughout Argentina and Latin America.

Melisa’s plans include helping the Universidad de Buenos Aires obtain Student Chapter status, promoting the benefits of AAPG to students and young professionals in Argentina and supporting educational events throughout the region.

Colombia – Alejandro Velasquez 
Alejandro Velasquez

Alejandro got his geology degree  rom the Universidad Industrial de Santander and has five years experience working both in research and in new business evaluation, reservoir and operations geology. He has worked in several fields for both Ecopetrol, SA and Equíon Energía, and he currently works as a development geologists in the Cusiana Field, known for its high volumes and structural complexity.

Alejandro’s primary interests include hydrocarbon resources management and the reservoir characterization using a combination of stratigraphy sedimentology and petrophysics.


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