New 2-Day Workshop Announced in Lima, Peru - October 2015

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

The AAPG Latin America Region and the Geological Society of Peru invite participation in “Increasing the Recovery Factor in Mature Oil and Gas Fields,” a Geosciences Technology Workshop (GTW) to be held October 15-16 in Lima, Peru.

The interdisciplinary, 2-day workshop will focus on innovative strategies and new technologies for revitalizing mature fields and include a series of expert presentations and roundtable discussions.

Preliminary session themes include:

  • Solution Gas Drive Fields
  • Water Drive and Heavy Oil Fields
  • Gas and Condensate Fields
  • New Technologies for Enhanced Oil Recovery

Participants will benefit from the opportunity to advance their understanding of mature fields, to exchange ideas and to explore opportunities for future collaboration.

For more information and sponsorship opportunities,

Learn more about this 2015 GTW in Peru.

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