Latin America & Caribbean Region Report September 2018

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Advance the science of geology
Visiting Geoscientist Program (VGP)
  • 12 September – Gustavo Carstens delivered the lecture “Seismic Concepts Applied to Prospection” at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina. 16 students from UBA attended. 11 students from la Universidad Central de Venezuela connected via Facebook live
  • 20 September – Clemencia Gómez delivered the talk "Women in geosciences and the Anthropocene,"at the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) in Mexico City. 25 students attended.
  • 27‐28 September – Flávio Feijó delivered the course "Petroleum Systems" at UNISINOS in Sao Leopoldo, Brazil. 18 people attended.
  • 24‐27 September – Kiko Valencia delivered the course “Petroleum System Evaluation,” in Lima, Peru. 9 students attended (1 from UNJBG, Tacna; 4 from UNSAAC, Cusco; 3 from UNI, Lima; 1 from UNSA, Arequipa)
Earth Science Week
  • YP Brazil Chapter members meet with students from the Universidade Federal de Sergipe and Unicamp University to make plans for Earth Science Week activities
  • September – ESW Committee Members from YP Mexico Chapter held teleconferences and personal meetings with AAPG, CNH, AMGP and the Mexican Geological Survey to discuss plans for holding Earth Science Week in Mexico on 5‐9 November
  • 20 September – the company Pixeldemia accepted to sign an agreement to collaborate with the organizing committee of the ESW in the development of an educational app focused on geosciences for children. The app will be provided free of charge and will be translated into multiple languages.
Trinidad & Tobago
  • STEM Sessions
    • A new school term has begun and the AAPG is continuing its work with Shell and their STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) Program by delivering classes to two schools in Trinidad
  • 22 September ‐ “Intro to Rocks & Minerals,” by Tanuja Balkeran, AAPG YP TT Secretary,
    • Delivered to students of the San Fernando Secondary School, ages 12‐16.
    • Tanuja introduced them to geology with an overview of the structure of the earth, plate tectonics, plate boundaries, rock cycle and types of rocks and minerals. She ended the session by mentioning the Petroleum System as these classes all build towards this. 50 people attended
  • 29 September – “Intro to Rocks & Minerals,” by Tanuja Balkeran
    • Delivered to students of the St. Francis Secondary School, ages 12‐16
    • Covered same topics as those covered at visit to San Fernando School on 22 September. 25 people attended
  • 29 September – High School Field Trip “Unraveling the Aftermath at Los Iros” led by Xavier Moonan, AAPG LACR Education Officer/VG; Ariana Osman; Ibraheem Ali, AAPG YPTT PRO; Jonathon Rawlins, AAPG UWI SC President
    • This field trip allowed high school students of the Parvati Hindu College to see the geological features developed from the aftermath of the 6.9 earthquake experienced in Trinidad.
    • Focused on surface faulting and toe thrust development were and provided a regional context
    • Trip greatly added to students’ geography learnings from school
    • 28 people attended
Promote the use of technology
Latin America & Caribbean Energy Opportunities Conference, Exhibition & B2B Session
  • 22‐23 August 2018, Cartagena, Colombia
  • Working on collecting registration and sponsorship payments to close accounting for the event
  • Converted to permanent website including the final report and photo gallery from the 2018 and including information about upcoming conferences
  • Planning to hold next Energy Opportunities Conference in Mexico City in March 2020
Short Courses
  • Working with instructors to develop short course outlines to be shared with companies interested in in‐house training or training to be held in conjunction with other events
SPE/AAPG Workshop – Optimizing Geosciences and Engineering to Maximize Colombia’s Offshore Potential*
  • 17‐18 October, Hotel Morrison 114, Bogotá
  • Finalized technical program, which includes exploration, operation and government themes
  • Session Themes:
    • Tectonic Setting and Prospectivity in an Offshore Frontier Basin
    • Play‐Based Exploration in the Caribbean Offshore: Challenges and Opportunities for Development
    • Governmental Approach to Foster Latin America’s Offshore E&P Industry
    • Engineering Solutions to Facilitate Offshore Prospects in Colombia
    • Offshore Operations: Best Practices and Lessons Learned
GTW Mexico 2019: Unlocking Mexico’s Offshore Potential *
  • 6‐7 March, Hotel Marquis Reforma, Mexico City
  • Session Themes:
    • Appraisal and Development in Shallow Water Areas
    • Exploration & Production in Deep Water
    • Enabling Technologies for Offshore Activities
    • Best Practices and Lessons Learned following Mexico’s Energy Reform
  • Poster Sessions:
    • Tectonic Session and Prospectivity in Mexico’s Offshore Basins
    • Tools & Technology to Optimize Exploration & Development
  • Published event website; developed flyers and distributed at Mexican Petroleum Congress
  • Confirmed sponsorship from Chevron; currently seeking other sponsors
GTW Suriname 2019: Recent discoveries and exploration and development opportunities in the Guiana Basin:
  • Paramaribo, 5‐7 November 2019
  • Working with to define session themes, chairs, speakers and sponsors
  • Session Themes:
    • Tectonic Setting and Prospectivity in the Guiana Basin
    • Recent discoveries in Suriname, Guyana and French Guiana
    • Best practices for Development in Emerging Basins
    • Data, Tools and Technology to Optimize Offshore Operations
    • Beyond Guiana: Offshore Exploration Updates from throughout the Region
    • Government‐Industry‐Community: Collaborative Strategies for Emerging Hydrocarbon Economies
ICE Buenos Aires 2019: Expanding frontiers and unlocking resources for future generations
  • 27‐30 August 2019, Hilton Buenos Aires Hotel & Convention Center
  • Preparing and sending letters to session theme co‐chairs and panelists for
  • Opening call for abstracts on November 5 (to coincide with ICE Capetown and the CONEXPLO in Buenos Aires)
  • Negotiating contract with BaUniline to provide general contractor services and sales support
Serve AAPG members throughout the Region
Region website & social media as of 30 September 2018
  • Facebook page has 1600 followers
  • Twitter account has 596 followers
  • LinkedIn account has 699 followers
Promote awareness of AAPG
Mexican Petroleum Congress, Acapulco, 26‐28 September 2018
  • AAPG LACR had stand, staffed primarily by volunteers from the YP Mexico Chapter
  • Promoted GTW Mexico and ICE Buenos Aires 2019
  • Recruited members and met with 5 universities about student chapters
  • AAPG also provided three pre‐conference short courses:
    • Reservoir Characterization of Deep Water Systems: Impact from Exploration to Production, Vitor Abreu
    • Fold and Thrust Belt Structural Styles for Exploration and Development, René Manceda
    • Mature Field Evaluation and Redevelopment: Overview, Case Histories and Lessons, Sharma Dronamraju
Rio Oil and Gas, Rio de Janeiro 24‐27 September
  • Volunteers from the YP Brazil Chapter and the Unipampa and UFRuralRJ student chapter worked in the ABGP stand and talked about APG activities and opportunities
XIX Peruvian Geological Congress, 23‐26 September
  • Volunteers from the YP Peru Chapter and all 6 Peruvian student chapters (UNP, UNMSM, UNI, UNJBG, UNSAAC & UNSA) helped in the AAPG stand
  • AAPG LACR will have stands at the following events in 2018:
    • IX INGEPET, 2‐4 October
    • X Hydrocarbon Development Congress (CONEXPLO), Mendoza, 5‐9 November
    • I Oil and Gas Summit, Bogota, 14‐16 November
  • Negotiated agreement with Argentine Petroleum and Gas Institute (IAPG) for joint promotion and stand exchange at the X Hydrocarbon Exploration and Development Congress (CONEXPLO) in Mendoza in November and ICE Buenos Aires 2019
  • Signed agreement Colombian Petroleum Association (ACP) for the Energy Opportunities and the I Oil and Gas Summit/100 Years of the Industry Celebration in Bogotá in November
Corporate Advisory Board
  • Steering Committee approved creating a LACR Corporate Advisory Board which could provide strategic and tactical guidance to leadership and help to provide ongoing support for education and workforce development initiatives
Chevron Partnership
  • Working with Chevron Africa and Latin America to secure University Datapages subscriptions for universities in Suriname, Guyana, Brazil and Argentina
Bolivia Partnership
  • The Bolivian Ministry of Hydrocarbons sent a draft Memorandum of Understanding to AAPG to promote technical and educational activities in Bolivia
  • LACR office is working with the Vice Minister to finalize the MoU and to develop a list of programs
Develop the next generation of geoscientists
2019 Student‐Young Professional Leadership Summit*
    30 August – 1 September 2019 in Buenos Aires
  • Advertising Summit Sponsorship option in the ICE Buenos Aires 2019 sponsorship brochure
Ready to Work Program Pilot
  • The FY2019 Region budget includes funding to expand the Ready to Work Program in other parts of the region
  • Will use best practices and lessons learned from the March‐April 2018 Peru Pilot to develop programs in other countries
Student Chapters
  • 15 August ‐ UBA, Argentina, held the talk “Sedimentary Basins of the Argentine Offshore” by Juan Pablo Lovecchio. 22 students and 8 professionals attended.
  • 17 August ‐ UMSA, Bolivia, held the activity " Election of the executive committee of the UMSA Student Chapter" directed by Eng. Salvador Limachi.12 students attended.
  • 28 August ‐ UMSA, Bolivia, attended the conference "Objectives and benefits of the AAPG" given by Eng. Ana Maria Goncalvez. 14 students attended.
  • 29 August ‐ UBA, Argentina, held the talk “Carbonate Reservoirs" by Luis Rebori. 8 students attended.
  • 4 September ‐ AKUS, Suriname, held the activity "What's happening in Guyana? An overview of all current exploration and development activities" given by by. Javed Razack. 12 students attended.
  • 5 September ‐ UBA, Argentina, held the first talk of a 3‐talk cycle about “Seismic concepts applied to the prospection” by Gustavo Carstens. 19 students attended.
  • 5 September ‐ UFS, Brazil, held a meeting to schedule the activities of the chapter for the remainder of 2018. 14 official members attended.
  • 6 September ‐ UFPR, Brazil, held the lecture "Late Paleozoic glaciation on the Rio Grande do Sul Shield, southernmost Paraná Basin, Brazil" given by Nicholas Fedorchuk (University of Wisconsin ‐ Milwaukee). 21 people attended.
  • 7 September ‐ UMSA, Bolivia, screening of the video "Oil extraction". 32 students attended.
  • 8 September ‐ ESPOL, Ecuador, held the activity "Workshop: Reservoir Calculation". 20 students and 3 professionals attended.
  • 13 September ‐ UFRuralRJ, Brazil, held the lecture and promotion of the book Pre‐Salt: a Saga ". 22 students attended.
  • 17 September ‐ IPN, Mexico, held the talk "Sismicity in Mexico" by M. en C. Leobardo Salazar Peña; Arq. Juan C. Hernández White; Eng. Luis Daniel Polo Hernández; M. en C. Jorge Jaime Menguelle López; Eng. Juan Campos Castán;Eng. Alfredo Alanis Alcántara, Eng. Omar Chávez Hernández and M. en C. Delia. I. Bello Segura. 70 Students Attended.
  • 19 September ‐ UBA, Argentina, held the third talk of a cycle of three talks about “Seismic concepts applied to the prospection” by Gustavo Carstens. 8 students and 2 professionals attended. 4 students were connected via “Facebook Live” from the National University of Rio Negro.
  • 20 September ‐ UWI, Trinidad and Tobago, held the 'Introduction to Geoscience' icebreaker session in collaboration with the SPETT, GSTT AND SEGTT for new 1st years in petroleum geoscience. 30 students in attendance.
  • 21 September ‐ UMSA, Bolivia, held the activity " Recognition of minerals and rocks". 68 students attended.
  • 24‐27 September ‐ UNIPAMPA and UFRuralRJ, Brazil, attended the conference: "Rio Oil & Gas". 5 students participated.
  • 24‐28 September ‐ UFRuralRJ, Brazil, participated in: "UFRJ's Petroleum geology academic week ( Semana acadêmica de geologia do petróleo da UFRJ)". 5 students attended.
  • 25 September ‐ UFRuralRJ, Brazil, participated in the event: "Professional of the Future of the IBP (Brazilian Institute of Petroleum)". 1 student attended.
  • 26‐29 September ‐ IPN, Mexico, members of SC attended the Mexican Petroleum Congress CMP in Acapulco, Guerrero.
  • 28 September ‐ ESPOL, Ecuador, held the activity "Diffusion of the AAPG activity and recruitment of new members". 34 students attended
  • 29 September ‐ UWI, Trinidad and Tobago, held a School tour with Pravati Girls Hindu College to investigate the aftermath of August's earthquake on the Los Iros area. Trip leader‐ Xavier Moonan. 1 student and 1 young professional in attendance
YP Chapters
  • 27 September – Gabriela Marinho visited the Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco to discuss the creation of a Student Chapter. 13 people attended (10 students and 3 professors)
  • 26 September – Chapter Held the 5th Session of the “Geoscience Talks Cycle.” Javier Esquivel, Exploration and Development Manager at YPFB Corporation presented “Exploration and Drilling’s New Approach of Structures Below Synclines” At the YPFB Auditorium in Santa Cruz. 48 YPs attended
  • 28 September –Chapter Members conducted an interview with Pastor Vaca, Reservoir Geologist, Petrophysicist & Operational Geologist recently retired from YPFB with a large experience in Oil & Gas Industry. The interview was included in the 3d AAPG YP Bolivia Chapter Bulletin. 3 participants (2 YPs and interviewee)
  • 29 September – YPs attended a guided visit to the “Noel Kempff Mercado” Natural History Museum in Santa Cruz with prominent paleontologist Mario Suárez‐Riglos, PhD. Suárez‐Riglos showed and explained his Paleontological Collection. 21 YPs attended.
  • 5 September ‐ New committee meeting with 9 professionals attended
  • 5 September ‐ Meeting in Sergipe (UFS) to discuss the upcoming Earth Science Week activities. 1 YP (Francielly) and 13 students attended.
  • 6 September ‐ Social meeting with 6 professionals attended
  • 20 September ‐ Committee meeting to discuss about Earth Science Week and social media development. 10 professionals attended.
  • 20 September ‐ Social meeting at Costelinha in Rio de Janeiro with 5 professionals attended
  • 24 ‐ 27 September ‐ Coordination of students' participation in Rio Oil & Gas (Rio de Janeiro) at the ABGP stand by Priscila and Daiane
  • 25 September ‐ Meeting in Unicamp to discuss the next activities about the ESW. 1 YP (Letícia) and 10 students
  • 27 September ‐ Meeting for foundation of the Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA) Student Chapter, first student chapter of Brazil North region. 1 young professional and 2 students attended
  • 28 September – launched YP Brasil Linkedin page
  • 13 September – YP Chapter held planning meeting with students from IPN and UNAM universities in Mexico City. Discussed membership issues, experiences from the LACR Student‐YP Leadership Summit in Bogotá in August 2018 and SC and YP participation in GTW Mexico 2019. Discussed updating the AAPG website with updated committee information, advertising IBA participation and planning for Earth Science Week in Mexico. 10 YPs and students attended.
  • 14 September – Met with Pedro Avitúa, past YP executive committee member, to YP Mexico social media administration
  • 22 September – Silvia Santos had a videoconference with the students of the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León and Universidad Autónoma de Hidalgo to establish a student chapter in their universities. 4 students attended
  • 26‐29 September – Chapter members worked in the AAPG stand at the Mexican Petroleum Congress. Volunteers met with students from 10 universities, five of which are currently in process of forming a chapter
  • 23‐26 September – Chapter Members participated in the Peruvian Geological Congress in Lima. 10 YPs Attended
  • 24‐27 September – 6 AAPG YPs participated in the workshop “Petroleum System Evaluation,” delivered by Kiko Valencia in Lima.
  • 27 September – YP Chapter assisted in activating the first student chapter in Uruguay, the AAPG UdelaR Student Chapter. Bruno Conti is the co‐advisor.
  • Considering that there is not a critical mass of YPs in Uruguay, the YP Chapter will work closely with the student chapter for the time being.
  • As students graduate and begin to work in industry, there will be greater opportunity to have an independent AAPG YP Chapter.
Trinidad & Tobago
  • September – Xavier Moonan led the Field Trip “Unraveling the Aftermath at Los Iros”
    • Field trip allowed attendees to see the geological features developed from the aftermath of the 6.9 earthquake experienced in Trinidad. Surface faulting and toe thrust development were key features seen on the trip, attendees were given a regional context and possibilities for interpretation. 30 people attended
  • September ‐ Field Trip “Unraveling the Aftermath at Los Iros,” led by Xavier Moonan (AAPG LACR Education Officer/VG).
    • Field trip allowed attendees to see the geological features developed from the aftermath of the 6.9 earthquake experienced in Trinidad. Surface faulting and toe thrust development were key features seen on the trip and attendees were given a regional context into which a possible interpretation can fit. 30 people attended
    • 21 September – Industry representatives from Schlumberger were taken to Los Iros, site of the affected area post‐earthquake. Their group consisted of persons from wireline operations, subsurface integrated systems, facilities management and mud engineering. The geological features were seen as done in the earlier trip and additionally handheld Geiger counter was trial tested to determine the location of faults. 12 people attended
Upcoming Meetings
  • AAPG International Regions Leadership Team Meeting: Tuesday, 16 October, 08:00 CDT
  • AAPGLAC Leadership Team Meeting: Wednesday, 16 October, Bogota/Lima/Mexico City/Houston 17:00; Port of Spain/Caracas 18:00; Rio de Janeiro/Buenos Aires/Paramaribo 19:00

*Activities receiving support from the Chevron-AAPG partnership

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