Latin America & Caribbean Region Report July 2018

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Advance the science of geology
Visiting Geoscientist Program (VGP)
  • 6 July – two VG talks at the Universidad Nacional Mayor San Andres (UMSA) in La Paz, Bolivia; 40 participants attended
    • Ana Maria Goncalves delivered “Defining Exploration Opportunities”
    • Mauricio Guizada delivered “Regional Geology of Bolivia”
  • 27 July – Xavier Moonan co-hosted a wellsite visit to the Coora Oilfield-PCSL Rig 8 well site. 14 students from the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus attended
Earth Science Week
Trinidad & Tobago
  • T&T YP chapter had a booth at the Seismic Research Centre Mall Tour, aimed to educate the public about the world of geosciences. Members showed 3D models of the Earth and talked with visitors about the role of oil and gas professionals.  50 people attended.
Promote the use of technology
Latin America & Caribbean Energy Opportunities Conference, Exhibition & B2B Session*
  • 22-23 August 2018, Hilton Cartagena Hotel & Convention Center, Cartagena, Colombia
  • Confirmed sponsorships from ANH, Ecopetrol, Shell, Chevron, Oxy, Repsol, Spectrum, Frontera, Noble Energy, Halliburton, ExxonMobil 
  • Exhibits from ANH, Bolivia Hydrocarbon Ministry, YPFB, National Energy Secretary of Panama, Staatsolie, ION, Spectrum, Switch Energy Alliance, PGS and ENVOI
  • Holding Country Snapshots session second day of the conference
  • Invited 20 agencies to participate in the private National Regulatory Agency Meeting to be held 21 August
Short Courses
  • Offering three short courses prior to Mexican Petroleum Congress in Acapulco in September 2018
  • Approached by YPF about providing an in-house Discovery Thinking style workshop to help stimulate exploration creativity among geoscientists
  • Coordinating participation with Charles Sternbach


SPE/AAPG Workshop – Optimizing Geosciences and Engineering to Maximize Colombia’s Offshore Potential*
  • 17-18 October, Bogotá
  • Working with SPE Colombia Section to confirm talks
  • Confirmed sponsorships from Ecopetrol y Chevron
  • Talking with other companies about presentations and sponsorships
  • Finalizing budget and venue
GTW Mexico 2019: Unlocking Mexico’s Offshore Potential *
  • 6-7 March, Mexico City 
  • Originally scheduled for late-2018 but moved to early 2019 to avoid competing with Mexican Petroleum Congress (CMP) in September. CMP, traditionally held in June, was held later in the year because of Mexican Presidential elections held in July
  • Working with AMGP to define session themes, chairs, speakers and sponsors
ICE Buenos Aires 2019: Expanding frontiers and unlocking resources for future generations
  • Tuesday – Friday, 27‐30 August 2019, Hilton Buenos Aires Hotel & Convention Center
  • Received $100,000 sponsorship commitment from YPF
  • Finalizing contract with Hilton Buenos Aires
  • Negotiating contract with BaUniline to provide general contractor services and sales support
GTW Suriname 2019: Recent discoveries and exploration and development opportunities in the Guiana Basin:
  • 5-6 November, Paramaribo
  • Working with to define session themes, chairs, speakers and sponsors
Serve AAPG members throughout the Region
Region website & social media as of 31 July
  • Facebook page has 1553 followers.
  • Twitter account has 546 followers
  • LinkedIn account has 629 followers
Promote awareness of AAPG
Affiliated Societies
  • AAPG LACR will have stands at the following events in 2018:
    • 49th Brazilian Geology Congress, Rio de Janeiro, 20-24 August
    • Energy Opportunities Conference, Cartagena, 22-23 August
    • XIX Peruvian Geological Congress,23-26 September
    • Rio Oil and Gas, Rio de Janeiro 24-27 September
    • XIII Petroleum Congress, Acapulco, 26-29 September
    • IX INGEPET, 2-4 October
    • X Hydrocarbon Development Congress (CONEXPLO), Mendoza, 5-9 November
    • I Oil and Gas Summit, Bogota, 14-16 November
  • Negotiated agreement with Argentine Petroleum and Gas Institute (IAPG) for joint promotion and stand exchange at the X Hydrocarbon Exploration and Development Congress (CONEXPLO) in Mendoza in November and ICE Buenos Aires 2019
  • Negotiating a similar agreement with the Colombian Petroleum Association (ACP) for the Energy Opportunities and the I Oil and Gas Summit/100 Years of the Industry Celebration in Bogotá in November 
Corporate Advisory Board
  • Steering Committee approved creating a LACR Corporate Advisory Board which could provide strategic and tactical guidance to leadership and help to provide ongoing support for education and workforce development initiatives
Chevron Partnership
  • Chevron Africa and Latin America paid $75,000 to sponsor the following AAPG LACR activities in 2018: Energy Opportunities Conference, SPE/AAPG Offshore Colombia Workshop, Imperial Barrel Award Competition, Student-YP Leadership Summit, GTW Mexico, University Datapages Subscriptions for four universities in Latin America
Develop the next generation of geoscientists
Datapages Subscriptions*
  • Chevron Africa & Latin America agreed to pay four University Datapages descriptions for universities in Guyana, Suriname, Argentina and Brazil 
  • Two of the subscriptions will go to the University of Guyana and the University of Suriname; AAPG will provide Chevron with a list of schools in Brazil and Argentina who do not have access to Datapages so that they can choose the additional two schools to fund
2018 Student-Young Professional Leadership Summit
  • 24-26 August in Bogota
  • Gmas Lab providing facilities for sessions; participants will stay at Hotel Plaza 51 in Chapinero
  • Secured sponsorships from Chevron, BP Trinidad & Tobago, EOG Resources Trinidad, ABGP, Nvidia, AAGGP
  • Finalizing Summit program and invitee list for “Geostars” Networking Reception to be held Saturday evening
  • Program to feature technical talks, professional development, energy and society, leadership and communication skills
  • Special guests include AAPG President Denise Cox and Scott Tinker, director of the Texas Bureau of Economic Geology
  • Student participants were chosen based on a competitive process. They sent videos in English explaining why they should attend the Summit and how their participation could benefit their chapters. Videos were reviewed and ranked by AAPG Treasurer/AAPG Student Chapter Leadership Summit founder Richard Ball
  • The 18 Summit participants represent the following countries:
    • Argentina
    • Bolivia
    • Brazil
    • Colombia
    • Ecuador
    • Mexico 
    • Peru 
    • Suriname 
    • Trinidad & Tobago
    • Venezuela
Ready to Work Program Pilot
  • The FY2019 Region budget includes funding to expand the Ready to Work Program in other parts of the region
  • Will use best practices and lessons learned from the March-April 2018 Peru Pilot to develop programs in other countries
Student Chapters
  • 05 July – UFS, Brazil, held the activity “Selection process for new student chapter members,” 5 official members and 9 candidates.
  • 05 July - UFPR, Brazil, hosted the lecture "Petroleum systems in the Brazilian equatorial margin: opportunities in the Foz do Amazonas and Ceará Basins,” by Andre Ramiro Pierin, Total EP Americas, 40 students attended
  • 05 July - UFPR, Brazil, held the lecture "Evidences of shale mobilization, mud volcanoes and fluid migration in the Foz do Amazonas Basin". 40 students attended.
  • 9-11 July - UFRJ, Brazil, provided the class "Introdução à Modelagem de Sistemas Petrolíferos" using the software Petromod 1D help by Luiz Mauricio and Carlos Fracalossi, both from Petrobas. 20 people attended. 
  • 14 July – UFS, Brazil, participated in the Field trip “Description of outcrop for interpretation of glacial environments in the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin". 4 members and 1 advisor attended
  • 16-18 July - UFPR, Brazil, held the course "Ichnology - implications for sequence stratigraphy,” Msc. Daniel Sedorko. 10 students attended
  • 18-21 July - ESPOL, Ecuador, held the activity "Workshop: Structural Geology- theory and field trip" by Eng. Jorge Romero. 30 Students attended
  • 19 July – UFS, Brazil, participated in IX Academic Week of Geology of the Federal University of Sergipe, presenting the lecture on "Imperial Barrel Award (IBA): Experiences, results and perspectives". 5 lecturers and 150 students participated
  • 28 July - UNSAAC, Peru, participated in the talk "Sedimentary Basins: Elements, agents and processes" by Eng. José Cárdenas. 65 students attended
  • 30 July - UNMSM, Peru, held the field course "Tidal sequences analysis of the Salto del Frayle Formation (Morro Solar Group)" by Eng. Christian Hurtado, Eng. Wilson López. 15 students attended
YP Chapters 
  • 6 July – Vladimir Machaca delivered the talk “Static Modeling” during the VG visit to the Universidad Nacional Mayor San Andres (UMSA) in La Paz, Bolivia; 40 students attended 
  • The chapter continued to recruit new members and held officer elections.
  • New 2018-2020 officers are the following:
    • President: Andrea López Vega
    • Vice President: Roldano Vladimir Machaca
    • Secretary: Angelvis Tovar Garcés
    • Treasurer: Carlos Jiménez
    • Industry Liaison: Diego Paredes
    • YPFB and Ministry Liaison: Valentina Cáceres
    • Education Liaison: Salvador Limachi
  • The Chapter launched the "ABGP Quiz" competition on the YP website and began the classification stage online
  • 9-10 July - Daiane Cardoso participated and helped to organize the workshop "Seismic interpretation and Post-Stack processing for interpreters."  12 people attended
  • 24 July – Carlos Fracalossi published an article “A Geologist’s Work with Petroleum Systems Modeling” on the Chapter’s GeoBlog 
  • 18 July –Executive Committee coordination and planning meeting. 5 participants.
Trinidad and Tobago
  • 7 July - Field Trip: “Asa Wright Trail Mapping Exercise”- The participant used hand-held GPS devices to develop a geo-referenced map of the trails and their features as well as landmarks around Asa Wright Nature Centre. Trip Leaders: Xavier Moonan, Shane Ragbir and Asa Wright Trail Guides. 25 attendees
  • 24 July - Visit to Coora Oilfield. Attendees visited an active rig-site and learned about HSE practices, geological assessment for development projects, components and operations of a drilling rig, the importance of mud, wellsite geology, directional drilling and surveying, the experiences of the drilling crew on the wellsite, the structural elements of the Robertson Trace outcrop. Event host: Touchstone Exploration Inc. Trip Leaders: Xavier Moonan, Nandani Sudama and Mark Bishop. 25 attendees
  • Chapter had a booth at the Seismic Research Centre Mall Tour (See Earth Science Week section)
Upcoming Meetings
  • AAPGLAC Steering Committee Meeting: Thursday, 9 August, 17:00 Bogota/Lima/Mexico City/Houston 15:00; 18:00 Port of Spain; 19:00 Rio de Janeiro
  • AAPG International Regions Leadership Team Meeting: Wednesday, 15 August, 08:00 CDT

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See Also: DPA Luncheon

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See Also: ICE Networking Event

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See Also: Explorer Article

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See Also: Foundation Update

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Foundation Update May 19-22, 2024 2024 Trustee Associates Meeting 2024 Trustee Associates Meeting Desktop /Portals/0/PackFlashItemImages/WebReady/blog-foundation-2024-TA-annual-meeting-hero3.jpg?width=100&h=100&mode=crop&anchor=middlecenter&quality=75amp;encoder=freeimage&progressive=true 66592

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