Would you like to be a part of this exciting program?

Calling All E&P Experts

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
What's it about?

This exploration-themed conference will bring together a diverse group of delegates from all corners of the petroleum industry to:

  • Network efficiently and productively.
  • Make crucial business deals in a low cost oil environment.
  • Keep on top of trends by listening to excellent speakers on a range of regional and global topics featured in the conference programme.

APPEX is among the world's best-regarded non-profit global A&D events, and is designed to be a highly effective and productive experience, allowing you to meet the right people directly, to buy, sell and trade prospects and properties – and stay one step ahead of the competition.

Presentations should be:
  • Industry focused.
  • A well-rounded review on the petroleum geologic significance of a particular area.
  • In line with the conference themes.

If you would like to be a part of the APPEX Global 2017 conference program and would be interested in speaking on one of the topics listed below, please .

Got a prospect to promote?

Contact (or call +44 (0) 207 8363201) if your company would like to exhibit at APPEX Global. Prospect Forum speaking slots are available exclusively to exhibitors.

Conference Themes

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See Also: Explorer Article

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See Also: Foundation Update

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