APPEX Global 2016: Application of shale play fracking techniques to conventional reservoirs in mature basins – what's the prize?

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

Meet Nick Holloway of IHS who is a featured speaker at the APPEX Global 2016 Conference and Exhibition in March in London, England. This paper sets out to examine the potential of horizontal drilling and multi-stage hydraulic fracturing being used outside of North America and present some preliminary ideas about the scale of the opportunities.

About the Talk:

Horizontal drilling and multi-stage hydraulic fracturing (fracking) have become household terms in the last few years as having been the driving technologies behind the North American shale boom, originally for gas but now equally for liquids. But these technologies have also been successfully applied in North America in conventional plays which are characterised by poor reservoir quality. Outstanding examples are the Cardium play in Canada and the Granite Wash play in the U.S. where production rates and ultimate recoveries have been greatly enhanced.
These techniques have also made their first appearance outside North America for instance in a depleted field in the Paris Basin and in Western China. These are very small scale examples though and there appears to be no reason why a much larger prize shouldn’t be present in many major but mature plays across the globe especially those which include tight reservoir rock. Much of this has historically been considered uneconomic to exploit. So how big might the potential prize be from these?
This paper sets out to examine this issue and present some preliminary ideas about the scale of the opportunity.

About the Speaker:

Nick is a key member of IHS’s upstream research and strategic analysis team with particular responsibility for anticipating and analysing areas of high E&P industry interest and activity. He brings 40 years of oil and gas upstream technical, commercial, operations and managementexperience: 30 years with major oil companies and a variety of UK, US, Australian and Dutch independents and nine years in both technical and business development consultancy. He has provided key insight from his extensive experience to the Global Window process and led several strategic planning workshops with E&P company senior management teams.
Prior to joining IHS, Nick undertook a number of successful business development consulting assignments with Premier Oil, Sterling Energy and Bow Valley Petroleum. Previously he held various management, business development and technical roles with Burlington Resources, Santos, Sovereign Oil & Gas and Phillips Petroleum. Nick has particular experience in NW Europe, North Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America.
Nick holds an MA and a BA in Natural Sciences (Earth Sciences) from the University of Cambridge.



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