A U-Pb Detrital Zircon Profile Through the Colville Basin, Arctic Alaska: A 140-Million-Year Record of Brookian Tectonism

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

The fourth day of the 3P Arctic Conference & Exhibition is October 2. Session chairs Brian Horn and Bent Kjølhamar will welcome attendees and introduce session nine speakers, who will be speaking on Mapping the Arctic - New Geological and Geophysical Maps and Datasets. Thomas Moore, USGS, will be the fifth speaker to take the platform on Friday.

Abstract: A U-Pb Detrital Zircon Profile Through the Colville Basin, Arctic Alaska: A 140-Million-Year Record of Brookian Tectonism

The Colville Basin on Alaska’s North Slope, foreland basin to the east-west trending Brooks Range fold-and-thrust belt, holds a sedimentary record of tectonics in northern Alaska dating back over 140 m.y. to the beginning of the Cretaceous. Using detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology, Thomas Moore (USGS) and Paul O’Sullivan (GeoSep Services) track the evolution of the sources to the basin. These results provide a first-order understanding of the tectonics, petrofacies, and a guide to reservoir quality sandstones in the Colville basin.

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