AAPG Asia Pacific presents a Geosciences Technology Workshop in Bogor, Indonesia

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

Members of the organising committee meeting with PT Pertamina officials. L-R: Herman Darman, Technical Committee - Director of Indogeo SE; N. Guritno, Technical Committee - Sr. Expert to SVP Pertamina; R. P. Yudantoro, Advisory Board - Sr. VP Exploration Pertamina; Perdana R. Putra, Organization Committee - Sr. Geologist, Pertamina; Ricky Adi Wibowo, Advisory Board - VP Upstream Technology Center (UTC) Pertamina; Dwandari Ralanarko, Co-Convener - Geologist Pertamina

AAPG Asia Pacific will present our third learning event in Indonesia; after Bali and Bandung. This Geosciences Technology Workshop (GTW) will be held from 7-8 August 2019 in Bogor, Greater Jakarta. The theme is "The Art of Hydrocarbon Prediction: Managing Uncertainties" and the committee is very enthusiastic about the program. In September, some members of the committee met with PT Pertamina,to seek their support for this event.

Helmed by an advisory board and a technical committee, this event is currently welcoming abstracts before 15 January. Visit this link for more information on the event. https://www.aapg.org/global/asiapacific/events/workshop/ispreview/true/articleid/49102#152582144-program

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