AAPG Visiting Geoscientist Yusak Setiawan visits two schools in Indonesia

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

Long-time member, Yusak Setiawan, paid a visit to two schools as a Visiting Geoscientist.  His first visit on 18 November 2016 was to Hasanuddin University, in Makassar, Indonesia.

The topic presented to 60 Geology and Geophysics students was : "Oil and Gas Deep Water Exploration to Support National Energy Security".  

The second visit was on 24 November, 2016, to Haluoleo University, Kendari, Indonesia, and the same topic presented to 46 Geology and Geophysics students (with 2 Faculty Members in attendance).

We thank Yusak Setiawan for his time and effort to provide his expertise to students.

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