New AAPG student chapter launched in China

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

(Article contributed by Xiao Xuewei, Southwest Petroleum University Student Chapter)

On 14 November 2015, vice president of Southwest petroleum university Dr Zhang Liehui announced that the SWPU AAPG student chapter was formally established and Dwandari Ralanarko conferred the flag and the emblem to SWPU AAPG student chapter. AAPG's director of Education, Dr usan Nash expressed her best wishes to the new chapter and also hoped that this will strengthen communication and exchanges with other student chapters to promote the development of earth science education. Russia's national university, China University of Petroleum and other domestic and foreign universities sent their best wishes through video. The establishment ceremony was held by the President of School of Geosicience and Technology Liu Xiangjun .

The Faculty Advisor, the President of School of Geosicience and Technology, Liu Xiangjun, said that the chapter will continue to strengthen domestic and professional communication and contact between students and international scholars to realize resources sharing and promote the progress of internationalization. "The future of oil geologists" can build a good learning platform for professional communication. As time passes, it will build a good learning platform of professional communication for the “future petroleum geologists”.

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