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Online Training

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Online Certificate Courses

AAPG online certificate courses are designed to equip earth scientists with knowledge to enable them to take the lead in integrated energy projects and programs. This is the equivalent of a semester-long graduate-level course, and you will be expected to read, analyze, synthesize information, and conduct research. You will write four brief papers, which includes a final project. Certificate Courses can be started at any time and are 4 weeks long. Upon successful completion of the course you will receive a certificate. If you are seeking a less intensive experience, please investigate our e-symposia courses.

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Online e-Symposia

Designed to equip earth scientists with knowledge to enable them to take the lead in integrated energy projects and programs. Courses are 4 weeks long, and begin the 1st of every month. Upon successful completion of the course you will receive a certificate.

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Online Traditional Courses

AAPG traditional online courses vary in length from a few days to a full semester. Interaction with instructor is included, and daily or weekly assignments may be included as well.

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