J. Daniel Arthur

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Mr. Arthur is the Founder, President and Chief Engineer of ALL Consulting and has served as its President & Chief Engineer since the Firm’s inception in 1999.  He is a registered Professional Engineer in 35 states, a registered Professional Petroleum Engineer (SPEC) through SPE, a Certified Petroleum Geologist (CPG) through AAPG, a Fellow with the Geological Society (FGS), and has over 35 years’ experience.  He earned his degree in Petroleum Engineering from the Missouri University of Science & Technology.  Mr. Arthur served as a National Expert in the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program while employed with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; in 2016, he was appointed to serve on the Steering Committee for Natural Gas Storage for the California Council of Science and Technology (CCST) in response to a well blow-out at Aliso Canyon; in 2010, he was appointed as a Sub-Group Leaders for the National Petroleum Council (NPC) pertaining to North American Resource Development (NARD); and he has served in a variety of other roles throughout his career.  He has extensive experience with legacy oil & gas and associated environmental issues throughout the United States and Internationally. Dan is a recognized expert on issues related to modern & historic energy development, legacy environmental issues, state & federal regulatory frameworks, and assessment of related liabilities.  Additionally, Mr. Arthur has been an expert witness on dozens of environmental, technical, geosocial, and regulatory cases across the U.S.

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