Stan Cullick

Independent Consultant 37565 Stan Desktop /Portals/0/PackFlashItemImages/WebReady/cullick-stan.jpg?width=200&height=235&quality=75&mode=crop&encoder=freeimage&progressive=true

Stan is an independent consultant and also engineering advisor to Rare Petro Inc. in the Denver area. In the last 18 months he has focused on digital oil field production operations, tight oil and gas economic analysis and development (unconventional), and conventional oil and gas production for clients. Asset operations have benefited by his leadership to design and implement business process and technologies and to transform work processes to improve planning and operations. Stan previously was Corporate Technology Director at Linn Energy and VP Technology at Berry Petroleum. He spent 12 years in various technology and management leadership roles in Halliburton and Landmark Graphics. He spent 20 years at Mobil Oil in various technical and leadership roles and four years at Shell. He has a PhD from The Ohio State U., an MBA from U. Texas at Dallas, and a B.S. from Tulane U.

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