Ricardo Vargas

Ricardo Vargas

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Ricardo Vargas is a geologist from the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) in Bucaramanga, Colombia and currently he is studying his Master degree in Petroleum Engineering in the Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. Ricardo has eight years of experience in the oil and gas industry, He did the thesis in structural geology for an area in the Foothills Llanos Basin about that he started working at the Colombian Petroleum Institute (ICP) in structural geology projects. After that, He worked at Gems S.A. as a junior geologist making seismic interpretation 2D and 3D seismic. Later, he worked at Petrobras Colombia Limited in the Operation and Development Department, and he has been working as a development geologist in the Geoscience Department at Perenco Oil and Gas Colombia Limited. The main task in his job are surveillance of geological drilling operations on exploration, appraisal, and development wells, as well as, reservoir modelling and petrophysics interpretation.

Ricardo has been active in AAPG activities and groups, serving in leadership positions at the UIS Student Chapter and the Colombia Young Professionals Chapter and as Latin America and Caribbean Region Visiting Geoscientist Program Coordinator from 2016 to 2018. He currently serves as a Delegate for the Latin American and Caribbean Region.



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