Linda Price

Linda Price

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Linda Price is an executive senior technical advisor for geoscience at ExxonMobil with more than 26 years of energy industry experience.  Specializing in geoscience integration for business decisions, Price’s current project is redefining geoscience capability management to align with the core oil and gas business, as well as energy transition needs.  Her goal is to establish competency models that link upstream and low carbon solution project needs, ensure geoscience career resiliency, and supports delivering the energy needs for economic development globally.

While earning degrees from University of Wisconsin- Oshkosh (B.S.) and the University of Iowa (M.S.), Price developed a passion for subsurface mapping.  Since starting at Exxon in 1997, she has worked across exploration, production and research, mapping basins and reservoirs globally in a wide variety of projects from Atlantic exploration to Texas conventional production and developing diverse subsurface expertise along the way. By focusing on geoscience fundamentals that best support today’s extremely dynamic business challenges, she has been able to put this experience to good use leading teams and advising senior leaders in research, technology and exploration business investment decisions.  Notably, from 2012-16, she directed the regional geoscience efforts to support the Liza prospect team in the Guyana Basin, which led to ExxonMobil delivering industry record setting pace to first oil production.

Price is a well-respected and regularly sought-after speaker for industry conferences.  In 2023, she received the Norman H. Foster Explorer Award given by AAPG in recognition of distinguished and outstanding achievement in exploration for petroleum or mineral resources.  She is member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, the Geological Society of America, and the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers.


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