Abstract: Simple Workflow to Populate PPDM* Tables from Well Files and Post Them on a Map

This exercise helps petroleum professionals through the initial steps many face at the start of a project: extract well data as text files, transform its format without compromising its integrity, load it into a PPDM table and post it on a map. The input dataset is freely available US offshore data from BOEM, and the outputs are a PPDM table and a GIS and web map of well spots. The tools are relatively simple to use and readily available, the concepts simple yet important to understand petroleum data management, and the results are readily displayed and operationally useful. This also introduces petroleum standards and procedures in a professional community of practice.

*: Professional Petroleum Data Model

Distinguished Lecturer


Andrew Zolnai



United Kingdom

Video Presentation


Adriane Hausher Programs Coordinator
Susie Nolen Programs Team Leader +1 918 560 2634