Abstract: Oil and Gas Really Can Be Found in 'Nice' Places.

Examples from California and Greece.

There is the myth that you don’t find oil in nice locations using examples like the cold hostile waters of the North Sea plus hot and arid areas of the Middle East. This lecture demonstrates that this is untrue and examples are given from California and Greece – two popular tourist destinations and thus considered to be “nice places”. Both areas have production from Mio-Pliocene structures and are earthquake prone. However, California has vast and long established production from both on and offshore, whereas Greece has only small offshore production from the Prinos Basin. Potential for new oil and gas discoveries in California is very good and lies in deeper targets and unconventionals. The upside for Greece lies largely in deep water areas and is as yet unproven.

Distinguished Lecturer


Stuart Harker

Morningside Petroleum Geology Consultancy

U.K., Europe, North Africa

Video Presentation


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