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Last Post 02 Aug 2017 02:46 PM by  Patrick Ng
Different Approach with a Common Thread - Use of First Principle
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Patrick Ng
Basic Member
Basic Member

13 Jul 2017 10:38 AM
    Two articles illustrate with examples of creating tangible value:

    1) DNN -

    2) Multivariate - https://info.drillinginfo...ning-in-oil-and-gas/

    Food for thought - with infusion of G&G, learning with machine beats machine modeling alone?

    Patrick Ng
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    02 Aug 2017 02:46 PM

    Posted By Patrick Ng on 13 Jul 2017 10:38 AM
    Two articles illustrate with examples of creating tangible value:

    1) DNN -

    2) Multivariate - https://info.drillinginfo...ning-in-oil-and-gas/

    Food for thought - with infusion of G&G, learning with machine beats machine modeling alone?

    "The oil and gas industry is one area where an editor must exercise extreme restraint to refrain from some pun on “deep” learning for the headline."
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