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Last Post 19 Sep 2023 07:03 PM by  Patrick Ng
ChatGPT on Geotehrmal - Explore with Bing AI
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Patrick Ng
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19 Sep 2023 07:03 PM
    While in our last post, we gave an example of hallucinating AI, today we brainstorm with ChatGPT (Bing AI) using prompts.

    You can find more information about “What we don’t know that we don’t know about the transition?” in the following article

    Additionally, you may want to check out the Q2 article titled “Getting Quantitative with Exploration Mindset”

    By equating “blending” to supervised learning and ChatGPT “prompting” partner (developer), we can leverage ChatGPT’s ability to generate ideas and play with strong data. This approach enables faster idea generation and better de-risking of prospects.

    Geothermal is just one possibility; critical minerals can be another. What are your thoughts?
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