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Last Post 23 Aug 2023 10:41 AM by  Osemoahu Omobude
Data integration with MICP
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03 Aug 2023 08:50 AM
    What is the most effective approach to integrate mercury injection capillary pressure data with what other relevant information to accurately estimate the drainage pathways within a heterogeneous varying mature unconventional reservoir? Glad to be apart of the CCUS TIG!
    Osemoahu Omobude
    New Member
    New Member

    23 Aug 2023 10:41 AM
    That would depend on what other datasets you have and whether you are in a clastic or carbonate setting. A preferred reservoir characterization approach would involve creating a rock-typing scheme that integrates trim-scale MICP data (trim phi, K, PTR, Pc) and upscales to core (plug) scale and subsequently well log and model grid scales. Each rock-type can be represented in a J-function or other phi-k-Pc dependent function for drainage or flow simulation.
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