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Last Post 15 May 2023 07:11 PM by  Patrick Ng
ChatGPT on Geothermal from Qualitative to Quantitative
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Patrick Ng
Basic Member
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15 May 2023 07:11 PM
    We welcome feedback and critique on applying ChatGPT to energy matters.

    Last week, we took a small step experimenting with OpenAI API (application programming interface). and share the result in

    To get to where we want to be - ChatGPT Quantitative connecting data and tackling the challenges of energy transition, cross collaboration and cross disciplines are the critical success factors.

    Transparency on building blocks -

    1) key topics in bullets - LLM (

    2) summary in one paragraph - LLM + Langchain (https://python.langchain....n/latest/index.html)

    We are open to collaborating on the calibration of our next phase of hybrid model, which combines the power of ChatGPT with quantitative data analytics. If you are interested, please contact me.
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