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Last Post 24 Jan 2023 07:35 PM by  Patrick Ng
The Geothermal Century is here - Report from Texas
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Patrick Ng
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24 Jan 2023 07:35 PM

    Breakthrough possibility

    Unconventional geothermal has both the potential of scale and pace to cross the energy transition chasm from fossil to net zero 2050.

    Gut check

    According to the report, if the Texas drilling industry drilled as many geothermal wells as it currently does oil and gas, about 15,000 per year, the state could run itself off geothermal power by 2027.

    ESG core

    Time for a deliberate play by play assessment? Yes indeed with Economics, Science and Geology. If we can take lesson learned from the Shale Revolution, we may just usher in the Geothermal Revolution better, faster and much more sustainable.

    Lets start the conversation today - connect via email or LinkedIn.
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