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Last Post 23 Apr 2022 04:24 PM by  Patrick Ng
Energy in Data 2022 - Tackling the Challenges
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Patrick Ng
Basic Member
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23 Apr 2022 04:24 PM
    The first in-person (after debut 2019) Energy in Data event @Austin Feb 21 - 23, 2022 was a productive endeavor.

    Of particular interest to this community is the data-centric challenges identified by the participants in breakout sessions at the end of each day. Instead of happy hour, EiD had working breakouts so we could dive in, generate deeper and richer experience.

    See summary table below.

    Call for volunteers - anyone interested in helping us crack the "code" tackling the challenges, please contact Susan Nash or myself. Rest assured your enthusiasm and energy will go to good cause. We hope this will spur community growth and foster the meeting of minds augmented by challenge-focused virtual events and webinars in an ongoing basis. Together we make progress toward problem solving faster and better than convention-centric technical presentations.

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