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Last Post 15 Apr 2020 10:58 AM by  Patrick Ng
Dr. Michael Pyrcz offers course in ML for Geoscientists
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Susan Nash
New Member
New Member

24 Feb 2020 10:40 AM
    Have you been curious about implementing Machine Learning into your Geoscience and Subsurface workflows? Where should you start?

    The one-day course, Intro to Energy Machine Learning for Geoscientists, is a great starting point and will introduce the theory and practical applications of machine learning within the Subsurface.

    Date And Time
    Tue, March 31, 2020
    8:00 AM – 4:30 PM CDT

    Aramco Services Company
    1200 Smith Street
    Houston, TX 77002

    View Map
    The purpose of this workshop is:
    1. To introduce methods that improve data-driven decision making within geoscience teams.
    2. To get familiar with a variety of Machine Learning methodologies by learning them through real industry applications.

    The course will be delivered by renowned Geostatistics and Reservoir Modeling expert, Dr. Michael Pyrcz. (@geostatsguy)

    Dr. Pyrcz is also Chief Science Officer at daytum and a Distinguished Lecturer of AAPG.

    Course materials will consist of web-hosted lecture materials, instructor led, well-documented methods, workflow demonstrations, and coding examples.
    The workshop will be delivered via a cloud-based Jupyter Lab session, so the only thing you need to bring are your laptop and your fingers!

    Breakfast, lunch, coffee and light snacks included! We hope to see you there.

    Event page with outline and agenda: Eventbrite

    Please direct any questions to: [email protected]

    If you are an AAPG member, please use discount code AAPGmember55 to get $55 off registration!

    Patrick Ng
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    15 Apr 2020 10:58 AM
    March 31, 2020 - Houston we all observed stay-at-home guideline and the course was Zoomed.

    Impression - efficient compressed delivery in half the time (1-5 pm), virtual and yet rich learning experience (in particular the potential of marrying geostats and machine learning).

    Going forward, AAPG can maximize reach using more of the Energy ML format.

    i.e., Zoom + GitHub = real-time hands-on exercise without logistics hiccups / downtime*

    *no need to install Python and Tensorflow libraries on own machine.
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