"Machine-learning techniques used by thousands of scientists to analyse data are producing results that are misleading and often completely wrong."
https://www.bbc.com/news/...environment-47267081 According to professor Allen from Rice University, Houston, “answers they come up with are likely to be inaccurate or wrong because the software is identifying patterns that exist only in that data set and not the real world.”
Crisis? Not quite.
Perspective - as I understand, her observations are closely associated with the machine learning problem of overfitting vs generalization, i.e. when training is done on a dataset, we get a really good fit. But when that ML model is applied to a new unseen dataset, we get poor prediction (i.e., the model dies not generalize well).
That certainly is a concern and known challenge. Not unlike when we try solving an inverse problem when given a set of data measurements, we may get stuck in one of the local minima and never find the global minimum solution. Under certain conditions, there are techniques and associated trade-offs.
Interpretation? It is a matter of learning with machine, therefore not crisis yet in oil & gas.
A better approach? Instead of experimenting with different ML algorithms, maybe we experiment with science-based ML models (e.g., analytical expressions). Learn from the underlying physics (if necessary, what data to acquire), and calibrate with "strong" data. With compounding growth of knowledge over a short period of time, avert the crisis.
Your thoughts and / or experience?