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Last Post 18 Jan 2019 11:41 AM by  Patrick Ng
GTW - Tech Breakthough Analog
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Patrick Ng
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18 Jan 2019 11:41 AM
    Timing is perfect (or simply serendipity). Further to the analog of breakthrough success case mentioned yesterday @GTW, here is a sequel fresh off the press.

    So add the sum total of Atlantis, Mad Dog and Thunder Horse to north of 3.5 billions boe.

    Food-for-thought actionable -

    Follow up on Susan's question on what might be the next breakthrough in Unconventional, how about for those who have worked on the Atlantis, Mad Dog and Thunder Horse (formerly known as Crazy Horse) projects, chime in and share your experience on how working differently may lead to "What happened was magic - the pieces came together," as John Etgen of BP put it.

    p.s. link to PR on breakthrough (enabling tech + re-engineered process + change culture)


    For imaging examples used in GTW, see attached "Imaging Technologies Reduce Risks, American Oil and Gas Reporter 2002".
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