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Last Post 23 Oct 2018 10:51 PM by  Patrick Ng
Common Framework - Machine Learning and Geoscience
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Patrick Ng
Basic Member
Basic Member

05 Aug 2018 02:22 PM
    During recent events, machine-learning focused Hackathon and Workshop, on July 19 and 26 respectively, it becomes apparent a common framework making ML relevant to geoscience will be very useful.

    Here a first-iteration tabulated template* is intended for further discussion.

    1) Data Prep and Processing -

    AVO - say a simple two-term reflection amplitudes, R(𝜭) = P + G * sin2(𝜭), AVZ(𝜙) = AVO vs azimuth, where 𝜭 denotes angle of reflection (in subsurface, associated with offset in non-linear way, i.e., square of the sine of reflection angle), P zero-offset amplitude, G the gradient or slope, and 𝜙 azimuth (orientation at the surface)

    PSDM - Kirchhoff / Beam / Wave Equation / Reverse-Time / Full Waveform Inversion

    ML - Normalization / Standardization

    2) Features Engineering -

    Attributes - Amp, P, G, coherence, dip, density, velocity, porosity, Young's moduli, brittleness, etc.

    PSDM - Anisotropy / attenuation Q, Velocity / moveout, Salt geometry as defined by top / base

    ML - Dimensions reduction, Cluster analysis, Principal components, Eigenvectors

    3) Model Fit

    AVO / Earth model - Least squares, Sparse-spike, Max-likelihood

    PSDM - Velocity-depth / Earth model / Inversion

    ML - Logistic Regression / Support Vector Machine / Deep Neural Network / Convolutional Neural Network / Recurrent Neural Network

    4) Predict

    AVO / Earth model - Regression / Classification Type I to IV / Rock properties

    PSDM - Reservoir shape and volume / Depth image / Illumination quality

    ML - Regression / Classification / Probabilities (Facies, Flow Rate, Discrete Fracture Network)

    Call for Action - share experience from recent projects, as well as perspective, after the virtual course "Applications of AI and machine learning for seismic reservoir characterization".


    AVO - amplitude versus offset
    ML - machine learning
    PSDM - prestack depth migration

    Patrick Ng
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    23 Oct 2018 10:51 PM
    Use case - AAPG Explorer October, 2018 issue has a nice example of applying pre-configured convolutional neural network (CNN) trained on random images, to facies identification from cores. For detail, see

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