Heads up - mark your calendar for last week in July (tentative 7/26/2018 and subject to change).
Venue - Houston Texas. Location TBD.
What is it? AAPG Deep Learning TIG teaming with Ikon Science and Google to conduct workshop using a variety of G&G data and running actual machine learning experiments. (If schedule permits, will include TensorFlow.)
Premise - "Learning with Machine beats machine learning alone" @AI Geoscience Workshop.
Watch this space for updates. Patrick
p.s. suggestion, prep for Python data analytics and machine learning hands on, as refresher
Google Python Class
https://developers.google.com/edu/python/ and my go-to book as practitioner.
Python for Data Analysis: Data Wrangling with Pandas, NumPy, and IPython, by Wes McKinney ($24.99 @Amazon).