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Last Post 16 Nov 2017 03:22 PM by  Patrick Ng
TensorFlow in the Cloud - AWS, GCP or Azure?
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Patrick Ng
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16 Nov 2017 03:22 PM
    TensorFlow on three platforms, first impression -

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) - does require use of Unix script, and if running from Windows, additional download of utility PuTTY for ssh connections (geek speak for cybersecurity key).

    Google Cloud Platform (GCP) - much the same as AWS, and no PuTTY download required.

    Microsoft Azure - here is step by step guide and setup Ubuntu (Unix) server

    Assuming we seek min hassle, no-geek speak (beyond couple of Unix commands as documented), and shortest path to TensorFlow, I recommend GCP for getting started. (It so happens, among the three, Google offers new sign-up the highest free credit, 50% more in nominal dollars.)

    The Dark Horse - Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio, which is great for: 1) drag-n-drop GUI setting up (without programming), 2) visual comprehension (flowchart like) of machine learning tasks, and 3) no Unix commands! Current default Windows-based configuration does not support TensorFlow. When it does, it is a serious contender on ease of use. Do give it a try and play with staple ML classifications and decision trees using data examples supplied.

    Feel free to share you own TensorFlow experience @TIG, so we all learn and get better at it fast.
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