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Last Post 01 Nov 2017 12:34 AM by  Patrick Ng
First Principle - Model
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Patrick Ng
Basic Member
Basic Member

20 Oct 2017 10:14 AM
    Recall what "model" meant and lessons learnt:

    Amplitude-versus-Offset (AVO)
    Intercept and slope (gradient) multiplied by sine square of angle in a linearised model
    Product of intercept and slope is an attribute (e.g., feature engineering)
    Intercept and slope are two distinct features
    Gulf coast - low-frequency trend / young clastic sediments / cyclic deposition
    North Sea - discrete-structure layers / carbonates / unconformities
    Prestack Depth Migration
    GOM - velocity gradient hanging off water bottom / varying with the depth of burial
    North Sea - layer-cake model / distinct unconformities / Zechstein salt
    Parameters optimization is an interpretive and iterative process.
    Different model representations lead to very different workflow and algorithms.

    Now consider machine-learning model more like linearised version of AVO, i.e., sum of weighted combination of features. Applying first principle based on sound geoscience will give us head start. Say we train machine to learn in the Middle East on the biggest reservoirs, algorithm may not do well in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico. Typical remedy will be to train on different data and eventually converge on a fit-for-purpose algorithm.

    Geoscience in this case can save us time and focus on tuning the hyperparameters that create the possibility of breakthrough.

    Patrick Ng
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    01 Nov 2017 12:34 AM
    What are machine learning (ML) hyperparameters (those with material impact)?

    Recall "oil is first found in the human mind", from pioneering petroleum geologist Wallace Pratt. So a "playground" to visualize DeepLearning in action, will help us think first principles and develop model.

    Actionable - click this Playground link, or copy & paste into your browser.


    p.s. while model max 6 hidden layers and 8 neurons (nodes) per layer, because of overfitting, more does not equate to better. All depends on: 1) problem we want to solve and 2) structure of the data.
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