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Last Post 16 Apr 2021 01:41 PM by  Patrick Ng
EiD - Probing Questions and Seeking Answers
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Patrick Ng
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16 Apr 2021 01:41 PM
    These three observations can benefit taking feedback / sharing experience from a wider community -

    1) Edge computing - lots of applications in edge computing helps us reduce cost and increase efficiency. Edge computing enables cheaper ML model to be built and at different time scales.

    2) Knowledge curation - make open-source movement useful, we need to organize information in one place (reservoir, geoscience, engineering) and make that searchable like Yahoo! in the early days of internet.

    3) Buy vs Build - stimulating exchange from one operator's presentation on "Edge-Stream Processing Solution", we learned that: a) user interface (UI) is critical ("UI not good, have nothing") and b) case for "Build own system" boils down to having resources available, more efficient and laser focused on business needs.

    Perspective - #3 is a more complex business decision. As our Exec member Susan Nash commented "it has to do with how the company thinks of itself. Do they want to accomplish a task, or is the goal to innovate?" That may well be the single most important question to ask in energy transition.

    Now it is your turn to chime in.

    Update 06.09.2021 - during the covid-19, AAPG has held many online webinars and events (incl Pivot 2021) and extended both demographic and geographic reach. The challenge going forward is a common digital platform to keep track of presentations (spanning #1 to 3 mentioned) and participants (network / continuous engagement) as a community to tackle complex energy transition challenges.

    IMHO - content is the new digital currency. We create value when content can be curated, shared and accessed across time and space. On demand.
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