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0 Replies and 273 Views Deep Learning does not mean Deep Coding Visual  273  0 Started by  Patrick Ng In 2.5 weeks, Energy in Data will regroup at Austin. Quick look back - This post serves as closure from an exchange in February, on Day One of the Energy in Data gathering after the pandemic. In open discussion after Dr John Foster's “Tiny Neural Network” using 4 nodes one hidden layer to tackle the water saturation Buckley-Leverett problem, I asked how the audience felt about using Power BI. The prevalent view was that real data science ...
0 273
27 Oct 2022 09:34 PM
0 Replies and 273 Views Oil and Gas Guy making text2image ai  273  0 Started by  Patrick Ng Boris Dayma came to Houston from Brazil working in oil and gas. Today he is the creator* of Type in 'oil and gas gushers' and see. While that works like any image search engine, the opportunity lies in transfer learning. Next 'repurpose oil and gas wells for geothermal energy' get the image attached. More creative use is entirely at your discretion. Take away - taking open-source text2image developed by professo...
0 273
23 Oct 2022 08:39 PM
0 Replies and 246 Views Working with diverse data collections  246  0 Started by  Patrick Ng Recall from Energy in Data Austin event back in February 2022, one of the identified challenges from the roundtable discussion is 'working with diverse data collections'. If '80 time spent collecting, 20 or less analyzing' sounds familiar, we share that pain too. It is to this pain that the idea of 'zero downtime data to analytics' was conceived. CAUTION - please note this is not a commercial, only serves as work in progress of one startup's effort toward tackling the ma...
0 246
19 Oct 2022 01:49 PM
0 Replies and 288 Views Machine Learning Model Zoo - Transfer Learning with The Animal Spirit  288  0 Started by  Patrick Ng Recall 'AI is the new Electricity!', Dr. Andrew Ng (founder of Coursera and, among many firsts). For industrial application (say above and beyond social media), it pays to shift resources to data and features engineering vs ML model development. Update 10.07.2022 - hot off the press: AI-ML breakthrough on linear algebra! Motiv...
0 288
03 Oct 2022 01:55 PM
0 Replies and 330 Views Geothermal Hackathon open September 26, 2022 and close December 2022  330  0 Started by  Patrick Ng If you are after computer vision tech, this hackathon has it. Beyond algos, access to real tech from Microsoft, Nvidia, and Samsung (similar to that in autonomous driving and breast cancer screening). Motivation - Denmark and Greenland Geological Survey are interested in exploring what can be done using 3D mapping in oil & gas to delineate reservoirs to i...
0 330
09 Sep 2022 09:35 AM
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Andrew Munoz Fuego Exploration
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