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0 Replies and 257 Views Electrical Impedance Tracking for CCS  257  0 Started by  Patrick Ng Microseismic to CCS is what seismic to E&P Backdrop - carbon capture sequestration (CCS) is emerging as high-impact opportunity for geologists to horn their skills. Recently I heard the pitch from Microseismic Inc (Duncan) that permanent life-of-field EM seismic array is prime for CCS, e.g., monitoring and tracking where the carbon plumes are at all times. Premise (as I understand) - 1) Electrical impedance change > Δ seismic impedance in CCS (more CO2) 2) Increase with moistu...
0 257
14 Feb 2023 01:01 PM
0 Replies and 285 Views The Geothermal Century is here - Report from Texas  285  0 Started by  Patrick Ng Breakthrough possibility Unconventional geothermal has both the potential of scale and pace to cross the energy transition chasm from fossil to net zero 2050. Gut check According to the report, if the Texas drilling industry drilled as many geothermal wells as it currently does oil and gas, about 15,000 per year, the state could run itself off geothermal power by 2027. ESG core Time for a deliberate play by play ...
0 285
24 Jan 2023 07:35 PM
0 Replies and 275 Views Experiment with ChatGPT on Geothermal - Data First  275  0 Started by  Patrick Ng Follow up to posts in December, we now have the necessary data to get started. As illustrated in the blog, contiguous coverage Texas, New Mexico and Colorado shall make a solid starting point for rapid experiment. For those interested in doing ChatGPT on geothermal, let's connect via email or LinkedIn.
0 275
18 Jan 2023 12:06 AM
0 Replies and 290 Views ChatGPT Getting Quantitative  290  0 Started by  Patrick Ng The New Year is just around the corner and this post is to close out 2022 as food for thought Deep Learning in 2023. Click on link reference with illustration and visuals. I see synergy of AAPG and SPE coming together and ushering in the Geothermal Revolution beyond articles in the Explorer, e.g., drilling super hot deep new wells and / or re-engineering existing assets past their prime. Different risk-reward profile not unlike d...
0 290
31 Dec 2022 08:06 PM
0 Replies and 271 Views Generative AI - how ChatGPT could change our business  271  0 Started by  Patrick Ng Follow up to post on ChatGPT 12.16.2022, here is a worthy update from McKinsey. 'Generative AI and other foundation models are changing the AI game, taking assistive technology to a new level, reducing application development time, and bringing powerful capabilities to nontechnical users.' When McKinsey writes about ChatGPT, bet it is alrea...
0 271
23 Dec 2022 11:23 AM
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Andrew Munoz Fuego Exploration
Patrick Ng Shaleforce

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Susan Nash Director, Innovation and Emerging Science and Technology AAPG